December 2013 Archives

FFXIV: Zeb & Tai Progression Levels 1 - 19
Posted on December 9
This was never supposed to happen. Syn decided to actually try FFXIV and is playing it (for now). She rolled a Zeb Conjurer and I rolled a Tai Lancer to level with her. We’re playing on Midgardsormr, home to my moon kitty, who has been fairly ignored due to all this.

FFXIV: Further Progression of Zeb and Tai
Posted on December 10
Zeb and Tai reached level 21 today. Some updated pics!

FFXIV: First Primal Fight
Posted on December 12
Tai reached level 22 tonight in FFXIV. We also beat our first primal fight - Ifrit!

FFXIV: New Grand Company and Chocobos
Posted on December 13
Zeb and Tai official join the Immortal Flames tonight!

FFXIV: Zeb and Tai at Level 26
Posted on December 18
Haven’t had much time to play FFXIV lately. Zeb and Tai reached level 26 tonight.

FFXIV: Zuri's New Kitten
Posted on December 19
Zuri got her kitten today. I’m so happy that the quests are available at a pretty low level because I really wanted one!

FFXIV: Holiday Zuri
Posted on December 19
Yay! I got the holiday chocobo barding and all the neat holiday outfits from the Starlight Celebration!

FFXIV: Holiday Tai
Posted on December 23
Tai got his Christmas outfit and barding tonight. He’s a lot happier about it than he’d let you know, though.