April 2014 Archives

FFXIV: First Praetorium Win
Posted on April 28
Zeb and Tai beat the Praetorium tonight in FFXIV for the first time. We’ve officially finished the main story scenario!

Guild Wars 2: Megaserver vs Role Play
Posted on April 28
I want to start with this excellent quote that sums up how I feel about the new megaserver updates in Guild Wars 2. It prompted me to discuss my thoughts, especially where I see it affecting friends who love to RP in game.

FFXIV: Zeb and Tai's Castrum Win
Posted on April 27
Zeb and Tai beat Castrum Meridianum in FFXIV for the first time today! It was a terribly hectic and stressful speed run for us, and I didn’t learn any of the dungeon mechanics at all.

FFXIV: Zeb and Tai Reach Level 50
Posted on April 26
Zeb and Tai reached level 50 as Dragoon and White Mage today in FFXIV! Also finished the relic armor quest.

ArcheAge and my Thoughts on Founders Packs
Posted on April 25
I haven’t been following the progress on ArcheAge until just recently. It seems to be a sandboxy themepark blend that just released its founders packs last night.

FFXIV: Beating Cape Westwind
Posted on April 23
Beat Cape Westwind tonight! Was one of the easiest fights I’ve been in since starting dungeon instances.

Ding! FFXIV First Job at Level Cap: Bard!
Posted on April 22
I’m a slow leveler. Most MMOs that I play, I don’t ever reach level cap (or if I do, they raise level cap and I never re-reach it). Something about FFXIV made me determined to push through to my first level 50 job on my moon kitty, Zuri Nimat. It took me six months to complete, but I finally reached that goal last night with Bard!

What FFXIV Gives to Softcore Gamers: Chocobo Companions
Posted on April 21
Chocobos are one of Final Fantasy’s iconic creatures, beloved for being mounts and companions within games throughout the FF series. In Final Fantasy XIV, this legacy continues as you can earn your own chocobo mount at level 20. This, of course, makes travelling much faster and easier.

FFXIV: Zuri at Level 49
Posted on April 21
Did a lot with Zuri this weekend in FFXIV – she’s now level 49! Getting closer! Some pretty epic story going on right now, and I’m really enjoying it.

FFXIV: Tai's Hatchingtide Barding
Posted on April 18
Tai got his chocobo’s Hatching-Tide barding in FFXIV today! Getting really close to Dragoon relic armor!

FFXIV: First Relic Gear
Posted on April 18
So. Zeb and Tai got the first pieces of their relic armor in FFXIV today.

FFXIV: Zeb & Tai Continued Progress
Posted on April 18
Tai and Zeb made a lot of headway today in FFXIV. Earned Tai’s level 45 relic armor and class skill.

FFXIV: Zuri Level 47
Posted on April 18
Zuri reached level 47 tonight in FFXIV – just three more for my first level 50! Been working through the main questline and hitting up other quests in the meantime.

What FFXIV Gives to Softcore Gamers: Beast Tribe Quests
Posted on April 16
In a previous post I discussed reasons why I shouldn’t be playing FFXIV, being the softcore gamer that I am. Obviously, somewhere along the line, the good within the game has outweighed the bad for me, because I keep logging in and haven’t lost my desire to make progress.

FFXIV: Hatchingtide Barding
Posted on April 16
Zuri got her Hatching-Tide barding!

FFXIV: First Garuda Win
Posted on April 16
A huge thanks to Ellisia Schaefer and her kindly friends (sorry I didn’t get everyone’s name, but I send good karma) who helped me get through my first ever Garuda fight!

Saying Farewell to Second Life
Posted on April 14
Almost ten years ago, in July 2004, I first stumbled into the virtual world of Second Life. This article isn’t going to be a story of massive life transformation due to a new virtual frontier, however. My time in Second Life has been very casual and rather on-and-off.

FFXIV: Tai Dings Level 44
Posted on April 14
Tai dinged level 44! He and Zeb ran Stone Vigil with a pair of understanding people who got us through it all. Zeb also got the 6th month veteran rewards, including the minion of light.

FFXIV: Choral Attire
Posted on April 14
Zuri just got the first four pieces of the bard’s Choral Attire today! That hat looks like it was made just for her!

FFXIV: Fat Chocobo Mount
Posted on April 13
I did an upgrade thing today. For Fat Chocobo.

FFXIV: Zuri Meets Siren
Posted on April 12
Zuri met up with a siren in FFXIV today. Saved by the almighty earplugs, the siren’s song didn’t effect her.

Four Reasons Why I Shouldn’t Like Final Fantasy XIV (Even Though I Do)
Posted on April 11
I’ve been playing FFXIV for about six months now. Strangely, I haven’t blogged about it here, mostly because those little posts tend to go on my Tumblr instead. The truth is, this is the longest I’ve lasted on a subscription based game that didn’t allow me to buy a lifetime membership. That says a lot considering there are so many reasons why I shouldn’t like FFXIV… even though I do and I’m hooked on it right now.

My Forecast for H1Z1: Cautiously Optimistic
Posted on April 10
Let me start off by saying, I’m a fan of the zombie genre, when it’s done right. I’ve been a follower of Walking Dead for years (comics, show, TellTale Games), and tend to go out of my way to mess around with horror games when I hear good things about them.

FFXIV: KoGuRai Retainer
Posted on April 10
Because Zuri’s main class is bard, I had to make a retainer who was also a bard/archer for ventures. I couldn’t think of anyone who would prance around as a bard more than KoGuRai.

FFXIV: Hatching Tide Egg Hats
Posted on April 10
Zeb and Tai’s turn to run the Hatching-tide quest. Neither of them look very amused with their hats.

FFXIV: Hatching Tide 2014
Posted on April 10
Zuri took part in the first Hatching-tide quest in FFXIV today.

April’s Video Game Kickstarter Fever
Posted on April 10
I guess I’m odd in that spring fever for translates into Kickstarter fever for me. I got my income tax returns back, and while most of it is going to housing repairs, what little I am using “for fun” I’ve put towards supporting the number of really sweet looking indie Kickstarters.

Flight Rising: Virtual Pets, Dragon Breeding Game Review
Posted on April 9
I’ve been playing Flight Rising for quite a while, and wanted to eventually write a review about it. However, since registration is limited to certain days and times, I decided to hold off until I knew there was an upcoming registration window opening. And there is!

FFXIV: Stone Vigil Clear
Posted on April 9
Yay! Zuri completed the Stone Vigil for the first time in FFXIV tonight!

FFXIV: First Beast Tribes, First Tomestone, First Com!
Posted on April 9
More exciting things from last night (to me). Zuri reached level 42 and I was sucked into unlocking my first beastman tribe quest with the kobolds. Feel so sorry for them and find the short daily quests very fun! I also got caught up in a lot of fates around that area and man, I’m leveling quickly!

FFXIV: Zeb & Tai 40s Progression
Posted on April 6
More Zeb and Tai progress in FFXIV! They’ve reached 41 today, and finished the level 40 class quests.

Kickstarting Video Games: Things to Consider
Posted on April 5
I enjoy a good video game Kickstarter. I don’t know if it’s because there’s a thrill of seeing numbers rising to reach a goal, to feel the excitement around a community of people who want to make something happen, or just because I know that I’m helping to make some creative team’s life-long dream come true.

FFXIV: Zeb & Tai at Level 39
Posted on April 5
We went back and beat Halatali dungeon tonight to finish up our Immortal Flames hunting log. Ended up with an excellent group and a tank who was willing to teach and explain. Had a lot of fun!

Guild Wars 2: Ambivalence and Burnout
Posted on April 4
I’ve played the Guild Wars series since early beta for GW1. I was a beta tester for GW2 and established a highly followed GW2 Tumblr. In fact, if you Google “Guild Wars 2 Blog,” my Tumblr is in the top 5 search results (can’t figure out how that happened).

FFXIV: Spoony Bard
Posted on April 3
Zuri reached level 40 bard tonight in FFXIV! I also had to screencap the bard trainer for his “spoony bard” FFIV reference!