August 2014 Archives

FFXIV: Housing, Chocobos, Gardening and Fluff Done Well
Posted on August 29
When we call something “fluff” in a MMO, it usually refers to content that has no direct effect on a character’s progression. This can be cosmetic, like outfits or mounts, or extra content, such as housing or mini-games. Even though it’s called “fluff,” I’m of a mind that as long as the core game is solid and going in the right direction, fluff is content that a well-rounded MMO can’t do without. Which means, I don’t see it as fluff at all.

FFXIV – Celebrating 1 Year in Eorzea
Posted on August 28
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of FFXIV: ARR’s launch.

The Sims 4 Announces Preload Date
Posted on August 26
My plan for next week includes a 4-day weekend. This includes taking off September 2 for the release of Sims 4. Yeah, I know, the biggest mistake ever is taking a day off of work thinking you’ll actually be able to play a new release. This might turn out different, however.

Guild Wars 2 – A Look Back at 2 Years of Changes
Posted on August 26
Characters rolled in Guild Wars 2 two years ago during the game’s head start received their 2nd year birthday gifts yesterday. Almost a ritual now, this stems back to birthday present mini-pets and tonics given to characters every year in the original Guild Wars game. Back then, it was one of a group of randomized minis. GW2 does things a little differently.

FFXIV: Tidal Barding
Posted on August 26
Changed Zuri’s chocobo’s colors tonight! I was shooting for a peacock blue, but ended up with turquoise instead. That’s fine, though.

What FFXIV Gives to Softcore Gamers: Hunts
Posted on August 25
Take everything you thought you knew about FFXIV’s end game ilvl 90 armor progress and throw it out the window. We now have daily and weekly Hunts.

FFXIV: Zeb and Tai Progress
Posted on August 25
Tai got his Dragoon helm tonight and Zeb is starting to outfit the ilvl 90 White Mage in FFXIV!

FFXIV: Tai Gearing Update
Posted on August 24
I’ve kinda taken a little break from FFXIV over the summer, and totally missed the whole hunt system when it was launched. So, when I realized you could get ilvl 90 armor from the hunt seals, Syn and I worked on finishing up what we needed to max our rank with our Grand Company and unlock hunts.

Gaming Questionnaire
Posted on August 22
I noticed a number of bloggers providing answers to the gaming questionnaire from Cannot Be Tamed. I spent some time thinking about my answers last night, and decided to join the crowd with answers about my gaming history! Sorry it’s so long!

ArcheAge Beta: First Impressions
Posted on August 15
ArcheAge is the one game that I’ve been keeping an eye on this year. I love sandbox MMOs, and I don’t mind themepark MMOs, so a combination sounded like something that I’d have a good time with. I wasn’t, however, going to plunk down cash for a Founder’s Pack just because… well… there’s no way I’m spending that kind of money on beta access to a handful of events for a game that’ll eventually be free to play.

FFXIV: Butterfly Bard
Posted on August 14
Zuri is showing off her new yukata from the Moonfire Faire in FFXIV. She is now a butterfly bard!

Hands On the Sims 4 CAS Demo
Posted on August 13
The Sims 4 Create-A-Sim (CAS) demo became available for everyone via Origin yesterday. I’ve been a long-time Sims fan (since discovering the original Sims 1 shortly after launch), so I’ve already pre-ordered my copy and requested September 2 off from work.

Trying out Trove
Posted on August 12
This past weekend, Trove had a $5 sale on their instant alpha packages. I’ve kinda eyed Trove on and off — wasn’t particularly wowed by the style, but was curious about the gameplay. So I took up the sale and puttered around in the game a bit over the weekend, having no prior knowledge of the game at all.

Steam Personal Challenge Update 2
Posted on August 7
It’s been over a month since my last overview update of my Steam Personal Challenge. While I have invested a lot of time in GW2 and 7D2D lately, I have also still been working on trying new games from my Steam list.

Steam Challenge: Unturned
Posted on August 5
My friends and I have been hooked on the zombie survival game 7 Days to Die lately, and have enjoyed doing the things that zombie survivalists do. I happened to peek at the Steam Charts last week and saw a game I hadn’t heard of in the top 5 — something called Unturned.

FFXIV Launches Free 14 Day Trial
Posted on August 1
Were you ever curious if FFXIV is the game for you, but don’t want to commit to buying the box? Well, Square/Enix is now providing everyone with a 14 day free trial! You can level up to 20, explore the different classes and crafting, and see if this is the game you want to play.