July 2014 Archives

Gaming Lately – End of July
Posted on July 29
I haven’t been writing individual reviews of games lately because my time has been dedicated to a couple games in particular for the last few weeks: Guild Wars 2 and 7 Days to Die.

GW2: Season 2 Is Looking Up
Posted on July 21
A few weeks back, I wrote about my initial impressions about the Gates of Maguuma update for GW2. Obviously, I came into this season quite skeptical, looking for Anet to hook me back into the story. After the first two segments of Episode 1 didn’t wow me, I put the game down for a while, with the promise to try to get further into the story later.

A Look at Personal Rooms in FFXIV
Posted on July 17
I love in game housing! I’ve always been a housing enthusiast! While not having housing in an MMO won’t keep me from playing it (see GW2), I feel far more attached to a game when I own a little piece of it.

Steam Challenge: Rune Classic
Posted on July 11
I haven’t had as much time as I’d like with the Steam Challenge this week, due to a new FFXIV patch and my gaming group’s addiction to 7D2D. The random game picker chose Rune Classic for me to try this time around. I’ll admit, I knew nothing about this game. It was another game I got along with a bundle that I just activated on my account because I had it.

GW2: Gates of Maguuma Impressions
Posted on July 8
I haven’t had a ton of time to sit down and work all the way through Gates of Maguuma yet, but I have been taking it in small bite-sized chunks. I want to preface my impressions by saying that I’m extremely rusty with GW2 controls — I’ve been playing FFXIV so long that I was really discombobulated when I tried to remember how GW2 worked.

Steam Personal Challenge Update 1
Posted on July 5
I issued the personal challenge just a little over a week ago, and was pleased to see other bloggers getting on board with it! Good luck to all of you who were inspired to tackle that gaming back log. It really is do-able if you try!

Steam Challenge: 7 Days to Die
Posted on July 4
This was a totally unexpected purchase during the final hours of the Steam Sale. My sister has been searching for a solid co-op zombie survival game for quite a while that we can all get together and enjoy. This was her pick, and man, we’ve all been sucked into figuring out this world and how to come out on top!

Steam Challenge: Monaco
Posted on July 3
Because I couldn’t choose what game I wanted to play next, I set up a random name generator to choose a game from my list. It chose Monaco!

First Time Attending Camp NaNoWriMo
Posted on July 1
As some folks might know, I’ve written many, many years for the NaNoWriMo challenge. This is how I worked through the Dreigiau series and how I’ve started writing Runne. The past three Novembers, I’ve pushed for 50K by writing Runne segments. However, this year, I decided to try something different: I’m doing NaNo in July!