June 2014 Archives

Steam Challenge: Super Amazing Wagon Adventure (Turbo)
Posted on June 30
I picked this up as an impulse buy during the Steam Summer Sale 2014. It was only $1.01 when I bought it, so with the Steam currency in my account, it was practically free. It had a lot of good reviews, and I had an idea of what I was getting into when I picked it up.

Steam Challenge: Banished Experience
Posted on June 28
While not technically a part of the Steam Challenge, as I started playing the night before I resolved to do this, I want to start with a quick review of the game Banished. I just wanted to note before I start that this game is incredible just with the fact that it was created by one person!

The Steam Personal Challenge
Posted on June 27
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: Play the Steam games that you buy!

Guild Wars 2: Looking for that White Mantle on the Horizon
Posted on June 25
Here’s something interesting. In my previous post about my concerns over the direction of GW2 Living Story Season 2, I noticed comments about plot consistently moving towards the hope of seeing the White Mantle return in GW2. And why wouldn’t it, really — GW2 is teasing a Maguuma area, which is historically tied to White Mantle in the minds of GW1 players.

FFXIV: Zenith Relic
Posted on June 25
Zuri got her Zenith Relic weapon in FFXIV tonight! She’s finally completely ilvl 90, too!

Guild Wars 2: Season 2 Thoughts and Annoyances
Posted on June 24
I know what you’re thinking. Every time I post something about Guild Wars 2, I’m always grouchy and annoyed. That’s because they keep giving me reasons to be!

FFXIV: Tai's Myth Gear
Posted on June 23
I got Tai his Dragoon myth armor chestpiece in FFXIV today. Looking a bit mis-matched still, but once I get the arms, it’ll fit together better.

FFXIV: Myth Gear Complete!
Posted on June 20
Zuri picked up her very last piece of ilvl 90 Myth armor in FFXIV tonight! Not the best picture of it, but I didn’t have a lot of time to snap it.

FFXIV: Fishing Progress
Posted on June 20
Zuri got to level 35 fishing today in FFXIV! Time for dune fishing!

FFXIV: Behemoth Mount
Posted on June 13
Zuri got her Behemoth mount today! That means it’s been nine months of playing FFXIV. Hard to believe!

Final Fantasy XIV E3 Excitement: Rogue/Ninja, Chocobos & Personal Housing
Posted on June 12
While the big new class reveal happened on the opening day at E3, I wanted to wait until today to write a post about it because I knew more information would be released. While some folks are most concerned with the news of new Crystal Tower, Frontlines, the marriage system (including same sex and interracial marriage) and primal fights, my interest is in other areas — Chocobo Raising, Personal Housing and the new Rogue/Ninja class.

FFXIV: Zuri's Jacket
Posted on June 11
I’m about to get my myth Bard chest piece for Zuri in a few days, and not being a huge fan of the style, have been looking for rather inexpensive options for cosmetics.

WildStar Launch Feedback Confirms It’s Not the Game for Me
Posted on June 9
So I’ve been keeping an eye on the WildStar launch, especially blogger reactions to the game. Seems like aside from the DDOS attacks (sucky move by whomever), it’s been fairly smooth. I heard plenty of happy things about the game, especially if you enjoy the housing and such. I wish those players tons of fun, and hope it’s all they want it to be.

New Free Company Responsibilities in FFXIV
Posted on June 6
TL;DR: I’ve been promoted to Free Company leader in FFXIV, and I’m thinking about what it means to take on social responsibilities in an MMO.

Wurm Online: It’s the Little Successes
Posted on June 5
I wanted to follow up on my experiences in Wurm Online after yesterday’s initial noob confusion post. Thanks so much to folks who offered suggestions and information!

Wurm Online: Player Failure (Help Welcome)
Posted on June 4
Disclaimer: This is in no way an article meant to dismiss Wurm Online as a game. These are just my honest, completely noob experiences with the game for the first hour or two of play time.

FFXIV: Darklight Gear
Posted on June 3
Zuri won the Darklight Aiming chest piece from Brayflox HM today. While it’s not pretty, and is quite mis-matched, it was an upgrade over my previous armor.