April 2015 Archives

Steam Challenge: Armello
Posted on April 30
I’m continuing the Steam series with yet another game that I Kickstarted last year: Armello.

Guild Wars: Stepping Back in Time to a Decade Ago
Posted on April 29
Guild Wars 1 is celebrating its 10th year anniversary! It’s hard to believe, especially since it’s a game that I played back during the open beta phase. Despite the fact I beta tested it, it wasn’t a game I expected to play.

Steam Challenge: Hero Generations
Posted on April 28
I discovered Hero Generations, a game developed by one person (!), through a Kickstarter campaign last year. I liked the basic game concepts, so I backed it and went into waiting mode, like you do with Kickstarted games.

Why WildStar Still Doesn’t Do It For Me
Posted on April 27
I put in a few hours of playtime on both Exile and Dominion sides during the WildStar beta. Back then, I concluded that the game wasn’t for me. One of the major things that kept me from playing was that I was dedicated to FFXIV as my subscription game, and couldn’t justify adding another sub (and the pressure subbed games bring).

Camp NaNoWriMo Complete! (Thank You Pissed-Off Alliance)
Posted on April 22
Writing fiction is one of those strange, untouchable creative endeavors. Sometimes you struggle to put anything on a page. Sometimes it just flows out of you from some unknown source, a beautiful and perfect stream of prose. Just like with any other NaNoWriMo challenge, I experienced both of these on my way to finally completing the April 2015 Camp NaNoWriMo.

FFXIV: Steps of Faith Nightmares
Posted on April 17
So last night, I reached the Steps of Pain trial on Zuri while working to complete the main scenario story and get her ready for Heavensward. I knew that it would be tough to do using the Duty Finder. I just didn’t know that it would be near impossible.

FFXIV: MMO Story Done Right
Posted on April 14
Very, very slight spoilers for FFXIV 2.55. I won’t say anything too spoilerish, but pictures I display are from the final cut scenes of 2.55.

FFXIV Major Win: Main Scenario Completion! (No Spoilers)
Posted on April 13
Syn and I successfully completed all of the FFXIV 2.55 main scenario story this weekend. I want to start out by saying, it has been many years since I’ve played a Final Fantasy game that really felt like a Final Fantasy game.

FFXIV: Impatient Tanks & Chrysalis Fail
Posted on April 10
I really haven’t done a lot of FFXIV gaming this week since I’ve been involved with both Sims 4 and 7D2D. I also haven’t done much blogging this week due to trying to keep up with my word count for Camp NaNoWriMo. Sadly, I’ve been struggling a LOT with getting any sort of fiction on the page, so I decided to blog a bit today to warm up.

Weekend Roundup: Feral Zombies, Snarky Dragons and Sim Detectives
Posted on April 6
This was a holiday weekend, giving me three days of gaming time… which ends up feeling like not enough. Right when you’re on the cusp of getting all fired up for something, work comes calling the next morning. Even though I enjoy my job, I could have done with a 4 or 5 day weekend instead!

Wayrift Speed Stream 4-5-15
Posted on April 5
Inking next week’s Wayrift pages.

Wayrift Speed Stream 4-2-15
Posted on April 3
Wayrift paints for next week!

Sims 4 Patches Bunny Egg Hunt
Posted on April 2
With the newest Sims 4 patch, the devs included a limited-time Bunny Egg Hunt within the game. In the spirit of spring and Easter, your sims can randomly find colorful eggs (which are decorative items) from harvesting plants, mining stones, and catching frogs.

Wayrift Speed Stream 4-1-15
Posted on April 1
Wayrift paints for next week!

GW2 April Fools Joke & Personal Story Changes (For the Better)
Posted on April 1
Despite having been a huge GW2 fan in the past, I don’t tend to say a lot of nice things about the game. So when they do things I like, I figure it’s fair to highlight those as well.