January 2015 Archives

Can We #SaveJoystiq and Massively?
Posted on January 29
I titled this post with a question that I don’t have an answer to. Sorry for the disappointment. But I’m sure my own dismay in hearing that AOL may be closing down gaming news sites Joystiq and Massively far outweighs it. I know a lot of other bloggers have picked up on this story, first reported in this re/code article, but I wanted to add my voice to theirs – if nothing else, to continue to spread awareness.

A Very Primal Weekend: FFXIV, GW2, H1Z1
Posted on January 26
Seems like many folks were caught afire with the confirmation of the new GW2 expansion. I kinda forgot that whole thing was going on (too busy with FFXIV and H1z1), so I got my info from the blogger round-ups. Some things sound interesting to me, such as the new class, sub-classes, expanding on weapons the current classes have.

H1Z1: First Impressions & Wishlist
Posted on January 23
While I was really turned off by Smed’s attitude (even joking attitude) towards PVEers, and the whole P2W airdrop fiasco was a bit headshaking, I got dragged into H1Z1 anyhow. I really would have rather waited until development was further along (and I could play for free), but my sister got hooked on watching H1Z1 Twitch streams, then bought the game.

Steam Challenge: Contagion
Posted on January 22
Back over the Christmas holiday, my sister, who is one of my zombie hunting troop, saw Contagion up on Steam sale. So our team picked up a 4-pack for a little under $5 each. Not too bad of a cost, to be honest.

MMOs & Story: Accepting Mediocrity
Posted on January 20
In my previous post about GW2’s “Point of No Return” episode, I explored the issues I had with the plot and character development. I wasn’t sure what kind of response I’d get, though I did expect some people to speak in defense of the game (which is fine).

GW2: My Caithe Conundrum
Posted on January 19
Warning: Spoilers. Also, I have a feeling this is going to be a long post.

GW2: Catching Up with Tangled Paths
Posted on January 16
After yesterday’s post about GW2, Syn and I decided to pick up where we left off on the Living World storyline last year. This was the early November release of Tangled Paths, which I was already forewarned was short and a fairly frustrating ride. Both proved to be true, and it seemed like a rather paltry addition to the storyline.

GW2: What It’s Come Down To
Posted on January 15
Those who know my extensive history with the Guild Wars series also know that I have a love-hate relationship with GW2. I was (and still am) a strong supporter of GW1. I was a huge supporter of GW2 when the game first launched, and really loved the game for the first 6 months.

FFXIV: HUGE “Before the Fall” Trailer
Posted on January 13
One thing that always impressed me about FFXIV was the amount of free content the game releases regularly. At first, I thought it was because they were scrambling to add features that should have been in the original base game. But over a year later, they keep pumping out amazing and diverse patches.

Weekend Review: All About FFXIV
Posted on January 12
I’m trying to make good on my goal to finish up the FFXIV end game story… not on one character, but two. Zuri is my original main character whom I play mostly solo. Tai is my alt character that I play duo only when Syn is around. So that means I have to pull double duty to progress my characters in FFXIV.

FFXIV: Finally Pushing Through the End Game Story
Posted on January 9
One of my gaming resolutions was to pick up where I left off on the FFXIV end game storyline so I know what’s happening when the expansion finally gets here. I left both Zuri and Tai hanging after completing the main scenario stuff at level 50, and only piddled around in the story since then.

Internet Archive’s MS-DOS Game Library Fulfills Oldskool Dreams
Posted on January 8
Hey, Oldskool DOS PC gamers, or those who are just curious in such games. Got the itch to relive the gaming magic of yesteryear? The Internet Archive, maker of the Wayback Machine, might just be able to scratch that itch with their online free MS-DOS software library!

Steam Holiday Sale 2014 Review: How Was Your Restraint?
Posted on January 7
I’m a little behind on posting this since I’ve been away over the holidays, but I wanted to round up how folks did during this Steam Winter Sale of 2014. I was gifted a $20 Steam card for Christmas, but honestly… this was one of the down years for me.

My Creative & Gaming Resolutions for 2015
Posted on January 6
I’m just getting back and settled in from my road trip vacation, so I’m a little late in the well-wishing. But I still hope you had a great holiday and an uplifting new year!