November 2016 Archives

November Goals in Review
Posted on November 30
It’s hard to believe that 2016 is slowly coming to a close. But before we jump feet-first into December, I wanted to take a look back at what I accomplished over November. My goals for this month were pretty loose — mostly focusing on playing other new games that just came out.

Pokemon Sun & Moon: Trick to Hatching Eggs Quickly
Posted on November 29
So this is a trick that’s been out there, but something I didn’t know until my FC buddy informed me of it yesterday. I tried it last night, and sure enough, it does work. Thanks, Bean, for making my breeding and trading so much faster!

Pokemon Sun: Jangmo-o Trading Empire
Posted on November 28
This long holiday weekend consisted of me clocking in a bunch of hours into Pokemon Sun. However, with the exception of one trial, I actually haven’t progressed that much further into the story. I’m still in the middle of island #2, where the Pokemon breeding ranch and GTS trading has captured my interest.

Pokemon Sun – So Many Quality of Life Improvements
Posted on November 22
I’ve spent a good deal of time playing Pokemon Sun since its release last Friday. So far, I haven’t been disappointed at all.

FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder – The Dog Days of WoD
Posted on November 21
It’s been a while since I’ve had a tale to tell. So sit back and hear my story of World of Darkness woe.

Making a Move
Posted on November 19
Yeah, remember how I was discussing the issues I’ve been having with inodes on my website host? Well, one of my thoughts was to move this blog to a separate host since it takes quite a bit of resources on the server.

Dabbling with WordPress Multisite
Posted on November 17
I know I’ve been quiet this week, but that’s because on the gaming side of things, not a whole lot of interesting stuff has been happening. In FFXIV, I continue to run roulettes for Tomes and work on earning stuff for my Relic. And that’s about it (until tomorrow when Pokemon Sun arrives).

Wayrift Speed Paint 11-16-16
Posted on November 16
Speed paints for next week’s Wayrift webcomic.

Sims 4: Really Enjoying City Living
Posted on November 14
I didn’t expect to become so attached to my little random Sim family when I started playing Sims 4: City Living. But I’ve put in a lot of game time with them, and have been honestly taking it pretty slow.

NES Classic and Sisterly Love
Posted on November 11
So from the moment that the NES Classic was announced, I wanted one. I mean, this was like taking a step directly back into my childhood. How could I not?

FFXIV: Scholar Level 60 Complete!
Posted on November 10
I’ve actually been taking it pretty easy in FFXIV lately. I’ve put more of my time into other games, such as Sims 4, Skyrim, Civ 6 and Animal Crossing. But when I do log in to FFXIV, I’ve been working on achieving my goals for this month.

Krita: Digital Image and Painting Program (Free)
Posted on November 9
I’m always keeping my eyes open for new digital art programs to try, though old Photoshop remains tried and true for me. Anytime I find a solid art program that’s an affordable alternative to Photoshop, I try it out and pass the word around.

Skyrim: Newcomer Dragonborn
Posted on November 8
I’ve actually dabbled with Elder Scrolls games for a very long time, starting when I bought my first PC. Back then, Daggerfall was the hot RPG, and I do remember playing it for a while. I kicked around in Oblivion when it first came out, but never played for a super long time.

Weekend Gaming: FFXIV, 7D2D, Animal Crossing
Posted on November 7
This weekend was a variety of gaming including everything from Animal Crossing to Skyrim. But I only have progression in a few games to talk about. So here goes my weekend!

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Amiibo Update
Posted on November 4
So on top of all the other games I’m trying to juggle right now, Animal Crossing: New Leaf also had the new Welcome Amiibo update. Now, I don’t own that many amiibo, to be honest. I don’t even have the New 3DS that allows you to use amiibo with your games… though I do have the amiibo reader add-on for the old 3DS on my holiday wishlist.

Sims 4 Expansion: A Young Woman in City Living
Posted on November 3
While I’m still in the middle of a new game of Civ 6, and I started a new game of Skyrim for the new Special Edition release, I did break down and pick up the new expansion for Sims 4 – City Living.

November Gaming Goals
Posted on November 1
The Holiday Season is almost upon us, and I foresee a busy few months for me coming up. That being said, my overall goals for this month are more about exploring different games.