July 2017 Archives

Trying Splatoon 2 for the First Time
Posted on July 31
Let me start by explaining my situation. I am not a competitive (online) player. I’m not a shooter player.

Steam Gaming: Pixel Shopkeeper
Posted on July 28
Between FFXIV and my Nintendo Switch, I haven’t really been doing a lot of Steam gaming. Thankfully, I haven’t been doing that much Steam buying, either. In fact, though I haven’t forgotten nor given up on my Steam Challenge to overcome my overwhelming backlog, I’ve decided not to call this post part of the challenge, because it’s not.

FFXIV: Revisiting the Promises I Made to Myself for Stormblood
Posted on July 26
Though I enjoyed Heavensward as expansion content, I look back at that time as probably the most conflicted and discontent as I’ve ever been in FFXIV. Before Heavensward, I was pretty carefree about what “end game” meant. I leveled an alt, we did Crystal Tower, maybe plinked away a little at a Relic that I never expected (and never did) finish. I had jobs that I enjoyed playing.

FFXIV: I’m a Bad Influence
Posted on July 24
Yesterday, Syn noted that our server, Midgardsormr, had become a preferred world on our data center. I was a bit surprised to see this since we aren’t a small server by any means… in fact, since Stormblood, we’ve had a small log in queue every night. Just a handful of players and a short wait, but still a queue.

FFXIV: Worlds Collide
Posted on July 23
Last night, Syn surprised me by asking me to log into Ben so that Zeb could pick on meet up with him in game. I ended up taking a bunch of screenshots of the two outside of my main character’s house.

FFXIV: Omega Minion Get!
Posted on July 19
While the race to be the first to beat Omega Savage has been the big thing in the newest patch, aside from job tweaks, I’m just content to beat Omega 4 normal for a second time. This time, I helped Syn through for her first clear. Unlike last week’s circus, we cleared it the first try.

FFXIV: Character Cards Update
Posted on July 17
The FF14 Card character card generator has been updated to include the new jobs and progress up to level 70! Also, typo corrections. 😉

FFXIV: Crafting and Alt Progress
Posted on July 17
I don’t have a picture of me crafting because crafting is not all that visually stimulating. However, I did want to take a moment to express my approval of some changes to crafting I’ve found in Stormblood.

FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder – The “Don’t Care” Healer
Posted on July 14
I had no intention to run Deltascape V4.0 last night when I logged in. I was in the middle of spearfishing when I mentioned to Vix that it was all I needed to run to finish up Omega. She decided that RIGHT THAT MOMENT was as good a time as any, so I watched the video, and we queued up for it.

FFXIV: Goddess of the Land
Posted on July 14
Now, I don’t really think that doing daily Grand Company turn-ins is anything to name me a “goddess” for. But I’ll take what I can get.

FFXIV: Level 70 Botanist! And Crafting Conundrum
Posted on July 13
The track to level 70 gatherers is almost complete. As of last night, I reached my first level 70 gatherer – Botanist. Both Mining and Fishing are halfway through level 69, so the rest of this should fall in place in a few days.

FFXIV: Sea Ponies and Ponytails
Posted on July 11
So something interesting happened over the weekend while I was leveling my Fisher in FFXIV, and I wanted to share. Spearfishing has really been the way to go in leveling from 60-70. I’m currently level 68, and it’s been a peaceful ride using spearfishing leves to get there.

FFXIV: Omega Deltascape
Posted on July 10
Running Omega wasn’t actually on my to-do list this weekend. Logging in Friday night, I didn’t have the ilvl to run it if I wanted to. I hadn’t even unlocked Expert Roulette at that point, so that’s the first thing Syn and I got to doing for the weekend.

FFXIV: Ben’s Glamour
Posted on July 9
Now that I’ve completed the MSQ on my main character, I’ve gone back to thinking a lot about the story-journal that I want to write for my RP character, Ben. But before I could do any of that, I really needed to get his glamour right.

FFXIV: Living the Red Mage Dream
Posted on July 7
Things have slowed down a good bit since we’ve completed the MSQ for Stormblood. In fact, I haven’t done a whole lot aside from daily gathering turn-ins and a leveling roulette since Tuesday. Though I’ve got the quests to unlock the two Expert dungeons, we haven’t sat down and worked on that yet.

FFXIV: Stormblood’s End
Posted on July 5
As the 4th of July is a holiday for me, I was able to buckle down, along with Syn, to make a lot of progress in Stormblood. Not only did I reach level 70 Red Mage, and finish all those class quests, but we were also able to complete the storyline for FFXIV 4.0.

FFXIV: Stormblood Alt Intimidation
Posted on July 4
Congrats to FFXIV Stormblood. It’s done something that no other MMO has done pretty much ever… It’s intimidated this alt-aholic to the point of not leveling alts.

FFXIV: Ding Level 70 Red Mage!
Posted on July 4
Woot! Thanks to the help of many folks in my FC, I not only got to level 70 Red Mage tonight, but I also finished the 4.0 story line, the Royal Menagerie included. I was surprised that we managed to one-shot it, but then, most of the people there had already cleared it before, and with a full FC party, it went super smooth.

FFXIV: Stormblood Bollywood Boogaloo
Posted on July 3
Wow, it’s been a whole week since I last posted about progress through Stormblood. Rest assured, I’ve been moving through story as best as I can. My Red Mage is currently halfway through level 68, and we’ve just cleared Lakshmi, the second primal of the expansion.

FFXIV: STOP! Gather Time!
Posted on July 2
We’ve made a lot of progress through story this weekend in Stormblood, to the point where we may be facing our second Primal this afternoon.