August 2020 Archives

August 2020 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on August 31, 2020
It’s the end of another month, so let’s see how the goals turned out this time around! While I didn’t hit everything on my list, I am pretty happy with what I achieved this month.

FFXIV: YoKai Watch Event Returns!
Posted on August 25, 2020
Ironically, just about a month ago, I was lamenting the fact that my RP character, Amon, did not have the Whisper mount from the YoKai Watch event. Of my 8 characters on Mateus, there were only three who had not existed during the time the event rolled around for a second time.

FFXIV: Moonfire Faire 2020
Posted on August 24, 2020
As of this post, Moonfire Faire has a few days left to it before it winds down and The Rising begins. So there’s still some time to grab the rewards if you haven’t done the quests yet!

FFXIV: Dwarf Beast Tribe & New Glamour
Posted on August 17, 2020
Of all the things I could talk about when it comes to Patch 5.3, the topic I choose to start with is beast tribe quests and glamours. Sounds about right!

Memories of Brian “Psychochild” Green
Posted on August 14, 2020
A few days ago, I discovered that Brian Green (we just called him “Psycho”) had passed away. It’s taken me a few days to gather my thoughts before writing about this. I dug through my FFXIV screenshots to find what I’d preserved of the times we spent together, and I wanted to add these to the posts out there.

FFXIV: Time for a Change
Posted on August 10, 2020
This was something that came out of the blue. I just suddenly woke up Saturday morning and had the idea that I wanted to change my main’s race. I have no idea why I felt that way – if it was just a need for a change, or what.

FFXIV 5.3 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlights
Posted on August 7, 2020
I have to say that I’ve not seen a FFXIV patch where MSQ had so many people on the edge of their seats. The writers have done well to capture so much attention and put it on story.

August 2020 Gaming Goals
Posted on August 1, 2020
Welcome to another new month! August has FFXIV players looking forward to patch 5.3 with lots of story and new goodies. Because of that, I’m keeping my goals pretty light. A number of these are hold-overs from last month with a few small additions.