December 2020 Archives

2020 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on December 31, 2020
Today it’s time to look back on the gaming goals I made at the beginning of 2020 – when I was still unknowing and innocent of what was to come – and see how much I actually met in the way of those goals.

December 2020 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on December 30, 2020
I hope you had a great Christmas/holiday/vacation/whathaveyou! I had a week off and it went far too fast. I didn’t get as much gaming (in a wider scope) done as I’d have liked to, and now things are getting a bit complicated with family medical needs this week.

Merry Christmas!
Posted on December 25, 2020
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!

My Nintendo Switch Review Made Me a Little Sad
Posted on December 24, 2020
Nintendo sent out a year in review for Switch-playing folks a few days back. When I got mine, I was surprised and a bit sad about some of the statistics I saw there.

Neocities – My New Retro Website Project
Posted on December 23, 2020
I started my journey on the web back in the Geocities days. I taught myself how to code in HTML and quickly started putting together my own retro-style websites as were the trend in the day.

Steam Games: House Flipper Workshop Release
Posted on December 18, 2020
Not long ago, I wrote about the fun I’d been having with House Flipper. I noted that soon, Steam Workshop capabilities would be added to the game, and as of yesterday, that’s come to pass!

Amazon Adventure: When Your Nintendo eShop Code Was Already Redeemed…
Posted on December 15, 2020
I am no stranger to Nintendo eShop cards or codes. Friends and family alike know that the way to light up my birthday or holiday is to slip me some credit for my Switch.

Steam Gaming: House Flipper
Posted on December 11, 2020
A couple months back, I took my car in for an oil change. Almost without question, every time I go to the waiting room at the dealer, they’re playing some sort of house renovation show on their lounge TV. I blame that for suddenly wanting to play a house renovation game.

FFXIV: Noble Barding Win!
Posted on December 9, 2020
I wrote about this over at Spot of Mummery, but this was something I was super excited about last week. From time to time, FFXIV holds screenshot contests that you can enter over at Twitter.

Nintendo Switch: Transferring Screenshots to PC via USB
Posted on December 7, 2020
It’s not very often that I get excited about a system update for Nintendo Switch. Not that I don’t appreciate all the hard work that goes into updating my hardware, mind you, but rarely is there something that effects me as much as this one simple update.

FFXIV 5.4 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlights
Posted on December 4, 2020
The patch notes for 5.4 are up, so it’s time to poke around and see what I find interesting. Of course, I’m not mentioning the MSQ – which I am excited about – or the normal stuff like raids/dungeons.

Second Life: Christmas House
Posted on December 3, 2020
It’s finally that time — I broke out the Christmas decorations for my Linden Home in Second Life! Unlike Halloween and Thanksgiving, a number of the older pieces I had for Christmas were still low prim and looked appealing enough to use this year.

Trying Out Xbox Game Pass for PC
Posted on December 2, 2020
I’ve never owned an Xbox system – in fact, all of my consoles since the PS2 have been Nintendo. Most of my heavy gaming I do on the PC, where I tend to amass more games in my backlog than I can hope to play.

December 2020 Gaming Goals
Posted on December 1, 2020
Happy December! Welcome to the final month of 2020, and to the Holiday season! I’ve got a bit of vacation at the end of this month to look forward to, but lots of goals on my mind as well!