June 2020 Archives

June 2020 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on June 30, 2020
It was the first month I got back to doing gaming goals, and things went along pretty well. I didn’t get everything on the list done, but I did get a few pretty solid goals met, including getting another alt current in Shadowbringers.

Snail Uke
Posted on June 27, 2020
Tonight I made the closing winning bid (got a steal on the price) on this snail uke - brand new with just a minor cosmetic flaw

FFXIV: Shadowbringers Completed! (Third Time)
Posted on June 25, 2020
This was one of those things that shouldn’t have taken as long as it did to finish, but I just ran out of steam in the middle of doing it. I finally got Tai through to the end of the current patch in Shadowbringers!

FFXIV: Getting the Job (Quests) Done
Posted on June 23, 2020
In this month’s goal post – the first goal post I’ve created in several months – one of the things I noted was the fact that I’ve (once again) amassed a number of job quests on my main.

Second Life: I Caved For a Cabin
Posted on June 19, 2020
I mentioned in a previous post that I was reassessing whether or not I’d pony up for a subscription renewal for Second Life this year. I wrote about how the price hike for the sub was a bit of a turn-off.

itch.io – Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality
Posted on June 12, 2020
So, despite the fact I tell myself I don’t need any more new games, I just dropped some money on this huge and amazing bundle at itch.io. I know a few bloggers have been talking about this already.

FFXIV: Mogtome Mount Madness
Posted on June 10, 2020
Most of the time I spent the last few weeks in FFXIV was centered around obtaining the Mogtome mounts for this event. There were several of them across two characters I wanted to achieve.

June 2020 Gaming Goals
Posted on June 3, 2020
I put gaming goals on pause back in February, and I think it was a good move for me at the time. I needed a little break from things, and I’ve taken one.