September 2020 Archives

September 2020 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on September 30, 2020
This has been a pretty busy month in terms of FFXIV gaming. Not only did I achieve most of my goals, but I went above and beyond in several areas outside of my goals.

FFXIV: Day of Many Wins
Posted on September 24, 2020
Some days, the stars all align and everything falls into place in a game you’re playing. Yesterday was such a day for me (for the most part).

FFXIV: Ishgard Restoration – Results
Posted on September 18, 2020
So the second season of the Ishgard Restoration has come to a close. While it was pretty fun to take part in a mass of gatherers and crafters bopping around the Diadem, I feel like I’ve seen my share of all of that for now. The season is just long enough to get stuff done but not over-staying its welcome.

FFXIV: Ishgard Restoration – Season 2
Posted on September 11, 2020
It’s odd to talk about “seasons” when it comes to crafting and gathering, but somehow FFXIV does things like this. The newest season launched on Tuesday, including a leaderboard and everything!

FFXIV: Sojourn Curiosity Shoppe
Posted on September 8, 2020
Over the long holiday weekend, I finally managed to finish one of the 2020 gaming goals that I set at the beginning of this year: to decorate my house in FFXIV.

FFXIV: Patch 5.3 Impressions
Posted on September 3, 2020
Last night I finished my second playthrough of the 5.3 MSQ. For some reason, we chose to run our RP characters through first, and I’ve been putting off finishing up on my main for a while.

FFXIV: Free Company Sleeping Quarters
Posted on September 3, 2020
It’s been a while since I decorated a themed room for our Free Company house. Since some characters, like Amon, don’t have an actual bedroom within the house (or even in his apartment now), I decided to turn Tad’s personal room into a sleeping quarters for the FC members for RP purposes.

FFXIV: A Dragon’s Best Friend
Posted on September 2, 2020
Initially, I was going to post about being excited that a weekly crafting/gathering turn-in questline rewarded a really cool mount. It’s nice to see crafters/gatherers getting cool rewards!

September 2020 Gaming Goals
Posted on September 1, 2020
This is actually a month where I feel like most of the tiny goals I’ve had hovering over my head have been taken care of. I’m finally up to date on things like job quests on most of my characters.