August 2021 Archives

FFXIV: After 7+ Years, Shikaree’s Doublet Comes Home
Posted on August 31, 2021
Now that I’ve officially finished my Blaugust posts for this year (yay!), it’s back to blogging as normal around here. I wanted to talk about something that happened on Friday of last week – I finally got Shikaree’s Doublet after almost 7 and a half years of hoping for it in FFXIV.

Blaugust 30- Lesson: Have Real Expectations for Blog Monetization
Posted on August 30, 2021
Today I’m going to talk about lessons learned about monetizing a hobby blog. I don’t generally like to talk about making money from blogging, or what I earn, because I’ve never really blogged with the express intention to make money. Turns out, it’s just something that happened along the way for me.

Blaugust 29- Lesson: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Posted on August 29, 2021
As a freelancer, the idea of putting all your eggs into one basket meant that you blindly relied on one or two clients/gigs to be the foundation for most of your income. When writing for clients the web, you are at the mercy of whomever is employing you for a job. When the job is done, it’s done. So, you want to branch out enough to have other opportunities to fall back on just in case something doesn’t work out.

Blaugust 28- Using Game Events and Projects as Motivation
Posted on August 28, 2021
Since this is Blaugust’s motivation week, I chose to write a little about two things I latch on to for motivation — especially when I’ve been playing a single game for a very long time, or I write mostly only about a single game. It’s also the weekend, so I’m going to take a little break by writing something shorter for a change!

Blaugust 27- Using Tags for Better WordPress Exposure
Posted on August 27, 2021
In the last post, I talked about WordPress Reader – a feature that all blogs hosted at can take advantage of. Today I want to talk about how to ensure your posts are getting shared on Reader as widely as possible. It’s actually very simple – it’s all about tags.

Blaugust 26- The Importance of WordPress Reader
Posted on August 26, 2021
You can think of WordPress Reader as a cross between an RSS reader with a touch of social media vibes to it. If you own a blog hosted on then your blog is automatically connected to Reader, which helps to boost your posts to other WordPress bloggers (as long as you tag them properly).

Blaugust 25- Should I Choose or
Posted on August 25, 2021
WordPress is a strange animal. It comes in two flavors: – A site that hosts your blog for you & – Where you download the software to install a self-hosted blog on a webhost

Blaugust 24- Creating an Archive Page on WordPress
Posted on August 24, 2021
While I’m writing this quickie tutorial based around the idea of making an archive of posts for a series, you can actually use this for just about any reason. This is how to create an Archive page that automatically adds new posts based on a category you create.

Blaugust 23- Creating Navigation for a Post Series
Posted on August 23, 2021
This time around, we’re talking about creating navigation between your series posts… and if you even need to. It might seem like a simple topic, but providing your readers a way to move between posts on your blog is important – especially if you aren’t writing a daily series and will have posts in between series posts. There’s a number of ways you can approach this!

Blaugust 22- Series Posts = Love
Posted on August 22, 2021
As we move into Staying Motivated Week, I want to talk about a topic that personally find related to my own motivation – writing a series of posts. This might seem simplistic and obvious, but hear me out.

Sims 4: The Haunted Cottage & The Goth Family Expansion
Posted on August 20, 2021
So I left off in the previous post wondering if I should cure Ryder of his vampirism and make him just a normal Sim. I had a little feedback about this, and in the end, I decided to let the story play out as it did.

Blaugust 20- Developer Appreciation – 7D2D: The Fun Pimps
Posted on August 20, 2021
Back during Blaugust 2018, I wrote about the Fun Pimps during Developer Appreciation Week. I noted that my first ever post on their game 7 Days to Die (7D2D) was back in the summer of 2014, and how even then, my gaming group (we call the Posse) was still playing the game years later.

Blaugust 19- Developer Appreciation – Second Life Moles
Posted on August 19, 2021
This may be a strange title if you’re not a resident of Second Life. Even if you are, you may not realize that there’s a group of builders and scripters who work for Linden Labs and make lovely things for residents to enjoy. I didn’t until I moved into my home in Bellisseria.

Happy With Xbox Game Pass for PC – Forwardlog Gaming
Posted on August 18, 2021
There’s a number of things I hope to write for this blog soon – Blaugust has been keeping me pretty busy at Spot of Mummery, however! Still, even if this is short, I want to talk about how happy I’ve been with my choice to maintain my Xbox Game Pass for PC account.

Blaugust 18- Developer Appreciation – The FFXIV Team
Posted on August 18, 2021
You knew that I wouldn’t be able to let DAW go by without talking about the FFXIV team. During a Blaugust years back, I wrote about them then. But even as time passes, I find my appreciation for this team continuing to grow.

Blaugust 17- Dev Appreciation: Worldwalker Games
Posted on August 17, 2021
For Developer Appreciation Week, I wanted to start with a small indie developer – Worldwalker Games – and a small indie game that more people really should know about – Wildermyth.

FFXIV: Moonfire Faire 2021 Fun
Posted on August 14, 2021
Yesterday, the annual Moonfire Faire returned to Costa del Sol, this time bringing a bit of the arctic with it. I don’t know about you, but I could really use something cool just about now with as hot as it’s been outside lately.

Boyfriend Dungeon
Posted on August 13, 2021
So here’s a post I didn’t expect to be writing like… ever. I’ll just say that I’ve never been happier to have my Xbox Game Pass for PC than now.

7D2D: Returning to the Apocalypse
Posted on August 11, 2021
It’s been a while since the Posse has gone zombie wrangling in 7D2D. This was no fault of the game itself – though it’s been a looooooooooong wait for the Alpha 20 they keep teasing us with on Twitter.

Blaugust 8- Moving from Tumblr to WordPress – Things to Know
Posted on August 8, 2021
This will likely be the last post I write about Tumblr during Blaugust, but I did want to capture some things that are important to think about when you make a move away from Tumblr.

Blaugust 7- My Twitter Account Got a DMCA Strike Due to a Clip
Posted on August 7, 2021
I put my trust into a deepfake app called It’s a fun little app that I use to make short videos of my FFXIV character screenshots singing all sorts of funny songs. Then I posted them on social media to make other folks laugh. That’s it. That’s all I used it for.

Blaugust 6- Pillar Post – Writing Blog Posts that Win Traffic
Posted on August 6, 2021
Click-baity post title aside (I apologize)… if you’re writing a blog, chances are, you hope your content is going to be read by other people. I’m no marketer, and I only blog for the fun of it, but I can tell you a few things I’ve learned from keeping my main Gaming and Geek blog going for so many years (Spot of Mummery is too young to give proper examples).

Sims 4: The Haunted Cottage & Mysterious Ryder Goth
Posted on August 5, 2021
So, last time I wrote about the Haunted Cottage, I noted that Ryder had found the girl of his dreams and they tied the knot. I was – and still am – on the fence about whether to cure his vampirism. But more about that to come!

Blaugust 5- Tumblr is a Different Kind of Blogging (But it is a Blog!)
Posted on August 5, 2021
Based on the first post I made on my first Tumblr, I’ve been using Tumblr in some form since May 2011. My initial thoughts still do hold true even after all these years.

Blaugust 4 – Explore Social Networking Options as a Blogger
Posted on August 4, 2021
I’d planned to write about social networking even before my Spot of Mummery Twitter suddenly blew up unexpectedly (in a good way). But with a post going semi-viral and an influx of new followers, I feel that it makes this topic all the more relevant.

Blaugust 2 – Keeping Two Blogs (How Did That Happen?)
Posted on August 2, 2021
For most folks, one blog is enough to keep up with. But for those who are dabbling with the thought of more than one blog, is it something I suggest?

Blaugust 2021 Has Begun!
Posted on August 2, 2021
I’m not going to make this a super long post because I’m participating in Blaugust on my Spot of Mummery blog and I’m talking about it much more there! However, I wanted to announce here that the event has begun, and if you’ve been on the fence about joining, it’s not too late!