January 2021 Archives

January 2021 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on January 31, 2021
It’s a little hard to believe that January is done for this year. But at the same time, it felt like a long month, too.

Returning to Black Desert Online
Posted on January 29, 2021
It’s been almost four years since I last played Black Desert Online. Wow!

The “Leaving Soon” Motivator
Posted on January 28, 2021
Am I the only one who feels motivation from seeing a game or movie in a streaming or subscription service is “Leaving Soon”? Things that were only passingly interesting to me suddenly end up at the top of my watch or play list.

FFXIV: Earning the Amaro Mount – All Jobs to 80!
Posted on January 27, 2021
At the beginning of 2019, I had just finished leveling all of my FFXIV jobs to 50. The straggler jobs were my tanks, jobs that I really had no intention of ever leveling. Most of my tanks were sitting in the mid-30s during 2018, when I first decided… Yeah… I’m going to make an effort to bring all of my jobs to level cap.

Pillowfort Launches Free Open Beta
Posted on January 26, 2021
Pillowfort is a blogging platform with a blend of social media features woven within it. Think of the old LiveJournal days of yore – if you happened to have one – with a smattering of Twitter and some Tumblr functionality meshed within it.

Sea Salt – Play as a Cthulhu Cultist
Posted on January 25, 2021
I had no idea what Sea Salt was before I played it. I simply saw it was going to be leaving the Xbox Game Pass library soon, and was motivated to give it a try.

Do You Know Your Gamer Motivations?
Posted on January 25, 2021
In a previous post, I mentioned a couple of matrix used to consider a gamer’s interest and motivation. It just so happened I was reminded about the Quantic Foundry’s Gamer Motivation Profile.

FFXIV: Ishgard Restoration 5.4 Rankings
Posted on January 22, 2021
I wasn’t fully sure how deep I wanted to go this time around during the Restoration seeing that I’ve already got the basic title on two of my characters, including Amon.

FlowScape: Painting a Digital Environment
Posted on January 22, 2021
FlowScape was a program that I picked up over the Steam winter sale at Syn’s suggestion. It’s not really a game, persay, but it has elements that make it feel game-like.

FFXIV: Bound by Faith
Posted on January 20, 2021
In order to reach my goal of getting my final two FFXIV jobs to level 80, I’ve been running Trusts with my Gunbreaker this month. I’d already leveled half of my Trust party a long while back, and those who were left required a Tank for team composition. So this made sense to do.

Astrologaster – A Comedy of Errors
Posted on January 19, 2021
I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I’d not finished just one, but two games last week! Astrologaster was the second game I completed over the weekend.

Nintendo Switch: Resolutions, Done with my Coffee Talk
Posted on January 18, 2021
I’m pleased to announce that I finished a game this week! (Gasp!) Actually, I finished TWO games, but I’ll talk about the other one later.

My 7th Blogiversary!
Posted on January 16, 2021
Today I celebrate this blog’s 7th year! Every time I hit this milestone, I’m surprised that I’ve stuck with it for yet another year. But I also couldn’t imagine not writing for this blog, either!

FFXIV: Ishgard Restoration 5.41
Posted on January 13, 2021
It’s that time again! The Ishgard Restoration is underway and the Skybuilder Rankings are open again! I do believe this is the final leg of the Restoration story-wise. I’m not sure if this will be the final leaderboard rankings as well.

FFXIV: Taking Amazing Screenshots with GShade Filters
Posted on January 12, 2021
Several years back, I wrote about how I’d installed Stormshade as a filter for my FFXIV screenshots. Sadly, over time, I noticed that Stormshade had not updated and was far from using the newest version of ReShade.

Nintendo Switch: Coffee Talk
Posted on January 7, 2021
In trying to make good on my goal to play more of my Switch backlog, I began playing the game that I picked up over the holidays with the Switch gift card I got from family.

Tabletop Simulator Fun
Posted on January 5, 2021
Over my Christmas vacation, I suddenly was struck with the urge to play a board game. But seeing all my friends and family are so far away, the only way this was going to happen was through some kind of online game.

January 2021 Gaming Goals
Posted on January 2, 2021
I know that the last few posts I’ve made here have been all about goals, but seeing that’s often what January is about, please allow me a post or two more about what I hope to accomplish this month/year!

2021 Gaming Goals for the Year
Posted on January 1, 2021
I have lots of goals I’d like to see through this year, but here’s my list of gaming goals in particular. Many of them echo last year’s goals in some way, as I seek to do better on what I started in 2020.