October 2021 Archives

FFXIV: Mogtomes and Dancing to 80
Posted on October 28, 2021
Ever since I moved things around between my WordPress blogs, I have decided that I want to use this blog as more of a catch-all place for what’s going on in FFXIV, even among my non-Main alts. That means that though Amon (as my RP character) still has his own site and social media, that I want to write about some of his bigger achievements and adventures here, too.

FFXIV: Sebastian’s Eatery
Posted on October 26, 2021
This is a personal room in our FC house that belongs to my character Sebastian. Over the years, I’ve decorated my characters’ personal rooms as themed locations within the house, such as a rec room, a ballroom, or a guest room. An eatery/dining area was always on my list of to-do.

Second Life: Trick Or Treat!
Posted on October 25, 2021
I swore that sometime in the years past that I’d written a blog post about the Haunted Ride or the Cornfield in Second Life because that’s a Halloween event that the Posse tries to visit every year about this time. But I can’t find a post about it, and that’s distressing!

FFXIV: Firebird Achieved!
Posted on October 23, 2021
I know I’m quite a few expansions behind on getting this mount, but I’m fine with that. Running trials has never been a big thing for me (outside of just seeing the story), so I’ve taken up every opportunity the Mogtome events have offered to collect mounts.

Animal Crossing: A Return to New Horizons
Posted on October 20, 2021
I played Animal Crossing: New Horizons for a pretty solid year before I found myself taking a break from the game. I think it was around Easter of this year when I ended up putting it down, mostly because I felt that there were not a lot of new things in the event or game.

Second Life: Halloween Cottage 2021
Posted on October 13, 2021
Last year, I wrote about the Halloween decorations I added to my Second Life Cabin on my main account. This year, my setup there was fairly much identical, so there wasn’t anything new to show.

No Man’s Sky: Settlements, Flying Mounts, More!
Posted on October 11, 2021
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few weeks since the Posse has gotten into near nightly NMS exploration lately. This started because Syn and I had picked it up again to see what was new, and when we talked about it, Vix and Xaa became interested in trying it out. Just a fluke, but the game suddenly went on sale for half off on Steam a couple days after, so they picked it up.

Websites Going Retro
Posted on October 7, 2021
Last year, I first wrote about the project to recreate my old 2004 FFIV fansite, Sygnus Star, on the Neocities platform. Thanks to inspiration from the FFIV Pixel Remaster (which I still need to finishplaying) I’m pretty much done with the restoration of that site now.