October 2022 Archives

FFXIV: Thoughts on Island Sanctuary
Posted on October 27
I know it’s been quite a while since Island Sanctuary dropped with FFXIV patch 6.2. As a feature that I was very much looking forward to (you can ask my FFXIV friends – I was fixated on information about the Sanctuary before it dropped), I’ve also been rather quiet about discussing my thoughts on it.

ARK Survival Evolved: Rise and Fall of the Allagan Empire
Posted on October 11
A short while back, I wrote about how Syn and I decided to start playing ARK again after not having played it since 2015. I keep meaning to sit down and chronicle our gameplay progress because, as any of us knows, ARK can be very unpredictable.

Steam Nextfest – October 2022
Posted on October 10
Today is the last day of Steam Nextfest in October 2022. I wish these events were a little bit longer, or at least, the demos stayed longer. I did pick up a number of demos to try this time around, which included…