February 2023 Archives
Announcing the Mix Tape Archives

Posted on Feburary 23
Just a short post to introduce a new section I’ve been building on my site – the Mix Tape Archives!

Is the Age of “Free” Internet Fading? This Might be a Good Thing!

Posted on Feburary 20
For a good while now, we’ve all been used to getting a number of our most-used Internet services for “free.” Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. as well as the apps that serve them, have all been available to us seemingly at no cost (aside from gathering our personal data and having ads shoved as us every on scroll).

Using Nitter for Twitter RSS Feeds

Posted on Feburary 17
While I have moved to Mastodon for my social media interactions (and I love it), I’m still holding on to my old Twitter account simply because there are some accounts that I follow for news and updates. After a little research, I’ve found a free alternative – using Nitter to subscribe to Twitter accounts as RSS feeds.

Game Pass Review: Beacon Pines

Posted on Feburary 16
I’m happy to say that I’ve finished up Beacon Pines as of last night, and I wanted to write a little about what I thought.

WordPress Apps are Juggling Features

Posted on Feburary 15
WordPress is finally making the move to break their single app into two separate apps - which was something I heard was in the plans a good while back. So, starting in March, if you want to see blog stats, interact on Reader, and get notifications about comments and reactions, you have to install the Jetpack app instead.

Steam Next Fest - February 2023

Posted on Feburary 10
The newest Steam Next Fest rolled into town, and it had a lot of appealing demos for me this time around. This included at least one game that was already on my wishlist.