May 2024 Archives
Backing Up Your 123 Guestbook as HTML

Posted on May 29
This post is for fellow Neocities folks, as I know a number of us use the free 123 Guestbook service. This service is shutting down come July 1, and going into read-only mode in a few days.

FFXIV: Skyslipper Story – A Lesson in Community

Posted on May 28
Despite having played FFXIV for over 10 years, one area of content I’ve never dabbled in is the Savage raids. This is mostly because I’m not much of a raider in any capacity – to me, raiding has always just been a blocker between me and seeing the story, to be totally honest.

Minecraft Celebrates 15 Year Anniversary

Posted on May 27
Fifteen years of Minecraft – can you believe it? While I was a little late getting on the Minecraft wagon, and I’m not as widely-versed in the game as some folks, I know the appeal of rolling up a new seed and doing some mining and crafting. I’ve never reached the Ender stuff, though, because I always get sidetracked by exploring and finding some irrelevant building project to distract me for hours.

Gaming News Burnout and the Importance of Bloggers

Posted on May 24
Lately, I’ve been dealing with a general feeling of burnout with bigger gaming news sites. This has given me a stronger appreciation for bloggers and the role they fill when it comes to community and connecting with other gamers.

7D2D is Finally Releasing to 1.0!

Posted on May 23
It’s not a secret that our Posse has played the heck out of 7 Days to Die (7D2D), and it remains the game that played the most on my Steam account. My earliest blog post about 7D2D was back in July of 2014, after we picked this up during a Steam sale. While we haven’t played a whole lot recently, over the past 10 years, we’ve put more time into this game than we could have ever guessed we would!

Posted on May 22
I’m thinking about casually poking around LOTRO again on my minstrel character. To be honest, I really don’t know where to start or how to approach the game after all this time… so if you have advice to give, I’d love to hear it!

Posted on May 21
AFK Journey has been anything but the idle game I expected it to be based on its name. After putting many hours over the past 40+ days into it, it’s far more of a fantasy RPG gacha game with a full explorable world, story, and cast of characters I’ve come to enjoy.

Posted on May 20
Our latest survival building adventure game has been Enshrouded. We’ve put over 70 hours into it, despite being early access, and actually hit the current level cap of 25 over this past weekend.

Posted on May 7
This is not breaking news as it was announced a few weeks back. Nor is it happy news to know that ArcheAge is closing down in Europe and North America. I never like to see a game shut down, leaving the folks who play it homeless.

Posted on May 6
I don’t recall how I was introduced to the game AFK Journey. But I immediately took notice of the game’s art style, so I checked more deeply into its website.