Commonplace Wren

A Collection of Thoughts

Welcome to my Commonplace Book

A Commonplace Book is a place where you gather knowledge. Things you discovered and feel are profound. Things you want to come back to review. Things that delighted and inspired you.

These scrapbooks have been kept throughout history by folks such as scholars and philosophers. While they are traditionally written out by hand (you can turn any notebook into a Commonplace Book!), I’ve decided to experiment and keep mine online.

Currently Focused On...

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (2003 Translation)

By Work

A collection of ideas, organized by the name of the original work. May be books, songs, movies, etc. Posted in chronological order based on date when recorded.

Meditations /

By Topic

A collection of ideas, organized by topic. Posted in chronological order based on date when recorded.

Beauty / Being Real / Change / Community /Dealing with Other People / Hard Truths / Human Nature / Life / Living Well / Mindfulness / Overcoming / Soul / Thinking


A collection of ideas, organized by something else - not sure what, yet, but leaving this open in case I decide I need to use it!
