Iridium - Breyer Horse #10072
Years Produced: 2024
Mold Name: Harper
Mold Number: ?
Artist: Sommer Prossser
Added to Herd: 3-29-24 - Triple Mountain
Iridium is the Elements Collection horse that represents metal.
I do like the silver decorator and think the freedom model (Harper) is nice. Add to that she was fairly cheap at Triple Mountain at the time, and I decided to add her to my collection.
She’s another horse that’s nicer in person than in picture. Though, sadly, like my copy of Kai, she came with one factory flaw. But an obvious one – a very noticeable chip of paint on the top of her flank. You won’t see it here because I angled the photos in a way not to catch it.
Other than that, she’s a nice little model. I like Harper so much as a mold that I decided to see what I can do to conga it since it seems to be an inexpensive line to shop for on Ebay.
Aside from Iridium and Kai, I haven’t purchased any of the other Elements Collection. I think these two are enough for me!
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