Thoroughbred Blue Roan Pinto - Breyer Horse Stablemate #5981
Years Produced: 2002-2006
Mold Name: Thoroughbred (G2) - Stablemate
Mold Number: 5602
Artist: Kathleen Moody
Added to Herd: 2-28-24 - Triple Mountain Horses
This little fellow was a stablemate that was sold as part of the Four Piece Gift Pack of stablemates that sold from 2002-2006. I’m not usually a stablemate buyer, but when I saw him at Triple Mountain for under $5, I was instantly sold.
I’m a huge fan of blue roan coats, for one. And the price was right – I think I paid more for shipping than for the model. The reason he was so cheap was because the years have yellowed him some. But you’re supposed to be able to put yellowed Breyers out in the sun to help lighten them up.
I’ve somewhat discounted stablemates due to their size, but the detail on this little one has made me reconsider. I have tried to sunbathe him for a few weeks earlier in the spring, but I haven’t seen much of an improvement, sadly. Maybe it should take more time?
I’m not too fussed about it, however. I still really like his coloration and pose. He’s a little tippy at times because of those tiny slender legs, though!
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