Bay Roan Australian Stock Horse - Breyer Horse #950
Years Produced: 2019-2020
Mold Name: Harper
Mold Number: ?
Artist: Sommer Prossser
Added to Herd: 3-29-24 - Ebay
I picked up this horse for a few reasons:
- It congas with Iridium on the Harper mold (which I like)
- It was cheap
- I love roans
She has some scruffs on the hooves and the ears, which I didn’t notice in the auction pictures. But they’re not terrible. The model also came very well packaged. I mean, VERY well packaged, with a cloth bag and everything. I think this is the first auction model I bought that was so nicely packed.
Overall, though, I’m happy enough with her. I’m glad that I started to explore the classic/freedom size horses because some have very nice molds and they take up less space on the shelf for sure!
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