Quest Calendar 2022 - Truceday, Rainpearl 7
Posted on April 7, 2022
Posted in Quest Calendar 2022

So, it's a merchant. While it didn't say Tsavani could sell some of the loot I picked up along the way, it didn't say she couldn't sell it, either. So Tsavani sold it - Eating utensils and an old book, both valued at 10 gold each. That almost made up for the horse she bought.
She also picked up two health potions at 5 gold each, and was on her way. I feel like at 3 meal rations and 4 health potions, she's in a pretty good spot right now. I hope, at least.
Tsavani's Stats
HP: 17
Gold: 80
Extra Points: 3
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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