Quest Calendar 2024 – Truceday, Snowsend 20
Posted on February 20, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora investigates a storage chamber and finds a map of the castle. There are odd markings on the map that she tries to decipher.
This is a word puzzle and not a well-considered one. There are symbols paired with letters on this page to give a hint as to what the phrase is, but only three available. The hints note that there were other symbol pairs on previous pages but… uh… the nature of this calendar is that you toss the old pages each day (at least I do), so I no longer have access to those hints.
Eventually, I just cheated and looked up the answer at the bottom of the page. This indicated that somehow, someone was feeding the insects information on how to get in the throne room. Thus, the conclusion is, there’s a traitor in the castle.
I did take note of the backpack symbol on the wall, and did a roll for extra treasure. Cora earned one brawnberry.
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 22
- Amber: 14
- Virtue: 0
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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