Quest Calendar 2024 – Windsday, Snowsend 28
Posted on February 28, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora heads into the town to check the shops for supplies she needs.
She runs across some small, aggressive bugs (the kind kept as pets) and is able to calm them down and get them to break up their scrabbling. This nets her 2 amber. So that’s where the Bug Taming skill comes into play!
She doesn’t give into the thought of spreading rumors, and she’s also able to persuade and calm down an intoxicated, aggressive hobo critter that approaches her on the street. Then, Cora then browses the flower merchant, knowing that these herbs are obtainable outside the castle.
However, just to play it safe, she spends 4 amber to purchase one of each kind of plants. The way this was worded makes me think there’s a possibility she might not be able to bring back as many as needed very easily. So, better to be safe while she still has a good amount of amber.
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 25
- Amber: 39
- Virtue: 1
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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