Quest Calendar 2024 – Truceday, Highspring 21

Posted on May 21, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

The snake rises to strike again. And again?

I was confused on this page whether I was supposed to roll all of these or just one. I could imagine the snake striking multiple times. I even looked it up on the calendar forum, but I didn’t see a topic for it.

My first choice was to plea, because Cora gets a second roll on any Charisma roll – and she successfully caused the snake to pause on a second try. However, if I were to go down the line for each of these, she’d succeed at half and take 4 HP of damage. Not sure which way that should go, though.

When the snake does strike, it hits a rock and this is what does him in. I’ll take it, I suppose!

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 19
  • Amber: 94
  • Virtue: 3

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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