Quest Calendar 2024 – Moonsday, Summertide 24

Posted on June 24, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora makes her way through the dungeon under the swamp.

This page started out a little rough in that Cora found trying to make her way over the slick surfaces of the dungeon difficult (why was that a Wisdom roll?) and earned a -1 modifier for all rolls. Then she comes upon a large set of doors and sets out to pick the lock… for which I rolled a 1. BUT! Cora has the Lucky skill and is able to reroll any 1 on a D20 roll, so I took advantage of this, and rolled a 19 the second time. Nice!

She was able to take 2 meal rations, 1 health potion and a Sapphire Key from that chamber.

She was also able to find 6 amber in her explorations of the other chambers. An interesting place, seeming full of forgotten history. But Cora isn’t going to stick around to find out more as she hears a loud clacking sound up ahead.

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 30
  • Amber: 69
  • Virtue: 5

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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