Quest Calendar 2024 – Starsday 6 / Sunsday 7, Deepsun
Posted on July 6, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024
Cora arrives in the city of Saberhold where I proceed to spend almost all of her amber.
I think this might be the first time I’ve almost bankrupted one of my heroes in the three years I’ve played one of these quest calendars. This is mostly because I bought 5 Dragon’s Fire (a bonus roll to damage for when she needs it), and 3 Cleansing Crystals because I know she’ll need it.
I’m not usually very reliant upon my stock of items in these calendars, but this year is proving to be different. Anyhow, I stocked her up on what I thought would help out, and she continued into the city to see the sights.
There, she helped to calm worker spiders at a city construction site, which earned her 2 amber. She also paused to watch a tour guide of the city, and was unable to answer his questions about the city, thus earning no reward. Finally, she put on a good show during a training session in the garrison, which earned her another 4 amber.
She’ll take every amber she can get right now!
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 35
- Amber: 9
- Virtue: 5
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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