Quest Calendar 2024 – Windsday, Deepsun 10
Posted on July 10, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Apparently, Cora is going to pass herself off as an artisan. I wonder how this is going to go.
She gets an audience with Rott Wardscale, the artisan leader, who explains what Cora needs to know about earning a guild crest. He does acknowledge there’s more artisans than there needs to be, but stresses that he’s looking for more that can craft weapons, shields and armor.
Cora asks about the fake crests, and gets a somewhat run-around answer about Rott upholding his commitment to high standards of craftsmanship. He expresses regrets about the craftsman who have been locked up due to the fake crests – but doesn’t really answer the question at hand in any meaningful way.
He then explains what’s needed to know about undertaking the test of skill to earn a crest. Cora is able to persuade her way out of the 5 amber fee, which is somewhat fishy if you ask me.
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 35
- Amber: 9
- Virtue: 5
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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