Quest Calendar 2024 – Windsday, Deepsun 17
Posted on July 17, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora goes to see the Lord of Sabrehold today.
After giving her a speech on upholding the law and struggling to keep balance within the community of the city, Cora was given the choice to out Rott Wardscale or lie and say she killed the counterfeiter (which would be likely figured out in time anyhow).
This was a tough choice as it’s easy to empathize with Wardscale’s reasons. However, Cora grew up in a court and likely understands tough choices have to be made to uphold the common good of a kingdom. So, I felt she’d tell the truth.
Since she had the proof of counterfeit on hand, it was easy enough for her to make an accusation that was accepted. The Lord of Sabrehold took no joy in sending guards to apprehend Wardscale, but he did reward Cora with 25 amber for discovering the truth.
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 35
- Amber: 34
- Virtue: 5
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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