Quest Calendar 2024 – Fruitsday, Sunfall 9

Posted on August 9, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora stops by the local tavern – the Fun Guy’s.

She’s immediately met by the tavern keeper who gives her a drink on the house. This drink didn’t go down perfectly well (somehow she takes 1 point of damage from it?), but it gives her a bonus to her Charisma rolls. Which, it turns out she didn’t need.

I rolled a nat 20 on Cora joining the merriment within the tavern. She puts on a real show, easily connecting and charming the crowd, and makes friends doing it.

She bypasses playing the game of Recruits, though, because she needs to hold on to her amber right now, and who knows what was in that drink, right?   

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 35
  • Amber: 52
  • Virtue: 5

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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