Quest Calendar 2024 – Moonsday, Sunfall 19

Posted on August 19, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora uses her leaf riding skills to catch up with the carts taking the mushroom pieces away!

This plan had its ups and downs. Cora’s estimations of the wind conditions were incorrect, which gave her a penalty to the next roll. But seeing this was a DEX roll, she has more than enough bonus to cover it, and was able to still glide in over the cart, avoiding branches or other obstacles.

However, her landing on the cart was less than graceful, causing it to weave back and forth. Not badly enough to do her any damage, but it did give her a -1 penalty to all DEX rolls tomorrow. I’m not generally too worried about that sort of thing when it comes to DEX, but we’ll have to see how it goes.

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 22
  • Amber: 54
  • Virtue: 5

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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