Quest Calendar 2024 – Fruitsday, Sunfall 30
Posted on August 30, 2024
Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora approaches the court to provide the story of her adventures and triumphs!
Scribes record her story as she gladly hands over the hourglass and the elements of life she retrieved to Master Laurel. She told her story well, and the queen rewards her with 25 amber for her efforts.
This… was a little odd to me. Like, why spend all this time telling a story when Cora knows exactly what the insects are up to and what they plan to do? I don’t remember if she had “Insect Activity” jotted down from the past (I did go back to older character sheets to see), but even without it, calling in the scribes to write down the story is not what the queen needs to be doing right now!
Just my thoughts, anyhow. I’ll take the amber, though.
Hero: Cora Wildclaw
- HP: 40
- Amber: 84
- Virtue: 6
Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.
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