Quest Calendar 2024 – Truceday, Leaffall 3

Posted on September 3, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

While Cora is awaiting the call from the council, she explores the city.

It’s not looking as vibrant as it should, and there’s a bit of a shadow hanging over the place. But the people seem to wait with hope.

Cora spends time helping a beggar, participating in public battle displays, getting mugged, and helping out in the community garden. That’s a lot of stuff for just passing time!

She loses 2 amber during this, but more importantly, earns 3 virtue. Something tells me that one page giving so much virtue means this is going to become important pretty soon!

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 39
  • Amber: 91
  • Virtue: 9

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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