Quest Calendar 2024 – Starsday 14 / Sunsday 15, Leaffall

Posted on September 14, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora faces Wraithex at the top of the spire, and he has her mother!

While he drones on about how she brought him the power he’s going to use to ascend, Cora’s first and foremost focus is on the welfare of her mother, the Queen. She tosses a round of random things – from persuasion to looking for weakness to even threatening. All of these offer bonuses for the fight I assume will happen on the next page.

Cora was able to earn a +2 bonus for attack and a +1 bonus for all other stats (Wis, Damage, Defense) for next time.

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 24
  • Amber: 101
  • Virtue: 10

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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