Quest Calendar 2024 – Starsday 28 / Sunsday 29, Leaffall

Posted on September 28, 2024

Posted in Quest Calendar 2024

Cora runs across a panicked group of critters who warn her from proceeding down the path!

They explain that their town has been invaded by monsters that began to take away the villagers. This group was just barely able to escape.

Cora is able to calm them down significantly, and they start to reflect on the fact they left behind friends and family to the invasion. Some wish to follow Cora and some wish to escape to safety.

She encourages those who wish to follow to do so. My roll here was pretty dismal, so it took me scrounging every bonus and a Brawnberry to settle on having a Villiager Squad of 4 and only 1 choosing to go to safety.  

Hero: Cora Wildclaw

  • HP: 40
  • Amber: 69
  • Virtue: 12

Quest Calendar created by Sundial Games.

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