FFXIV: Moon Kitty Adventures

Posted on September 20, 2013 by Aywren

Welcome to the adventures of my moon kitty, Zuri Nimat of the Gilgamesh server.

The hardest thing about starting FFXIV was the sheer number of character design/class combinations to pick from. Which race? Male or female? Which class? Oh, class effects starting area? Wait, there’s only a few US servers left with registration open! 

Luckily, FFXIV allows you to save character designs (like EQ2 did), which makes rolling, deleting and re-rolling a snap. So that’s what I did the first day. I ended up rolling, messing around on temp characters, then eventually rerolling on Gilgamesh once the server opened up. 

Why Gilgamesh? Because he has an awesome theme song. XD 

No, really. I heard it’s a good, solid high-pop server. A lot of Reddit folks are there. Since I’m playing alone and know no one yet, I’m hoping to meet people, somehow. 

I researched a good solo class, and some folks mentioned Conjurers. They seemed somewhat Red Mage-ish (my original class from FFXI), though with a slant more towards healing. Saw that the Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te were inclined to make good healers, so decided that I’d roll that combo just to see what it’s like. 

Note. I usually play DPS, or sometimes a tank. Rarely magic users, and never healers. While I like the idea of healing people and keeping them alive, I know the pressure healers have to endure, and that’s something I usually avoid as much as I can. I’m shy enough to group without having someone blaming me for a wipe. :( 

Not sure what made me switch it up this time. Maybe because I heard there’s too much DPS out there, and healing will get you in groups quickly (cue group fear).

I started messing with a lot of random character designs and settled on this outlandish kitty, whom I’m really fond of. I love that you can have two different color eyes and hair highlights! While there aren’t a ton of faces to choose from, small things like that help keep things fresh. 

I worked my way up to level 10 Conjurer (CNJ) rather easily, and was pleased to see that I unlocked class switching from a level 10 solo quest without even realizing it was something important. 

I flipped over to Lancer just to try it out (will have a kitty Dragoon one day), and spent more time trying to figure out how to add a new Gear Set than I did working the Lancer up to level 6. Finally figured it out, but really, they need to make that Add Gear Set button a bit more prominent. 

I managed to squeak in about an hour of play last night before maintenance (I foresee icky maint times ). Flipped back to CNJ and leveled her up to 12. Opened up the Leves system, but read that I should hold on to my allowances until I’m higher level. 

The highlight of my night? I learned Raise! I’m an official healer now! XD 

My thoughts on the game? Much more casual friendly than it’s predecessor (FFXI is a group-shy gamer’s nightmare and left me scarred for life). I’ve enjoyed the story quite a bit, though it’s got hints of JRPG all through it. It proves that Squeenix can still make a good epic fantasy setting if they actually try to (rather than this modern sci-fi stuff they keep putting out with the console games). Love all the references to old skool FF stuff, too. 

I like how they’ve implemented elements of newer games (GW2), such as the dynamic event system (FATES) and Athernet (waypoints). I REALLY like the class system. And the fact you can train your chocobo to fight next to you! 

Lots to look forward to, but I’ll stop here for now. 

Note: Shortly after I posted this, I got a message from folks I knew from GW2 inviting me over to the Midgardsormr server. I re-rolled there and will continue my adventures once I've caught back up to where I was before!
