FFXIV: Zuri Joins a Grand Company
Posted on September 29, 2013 by Aywren
So I attended the speeches of the rememberance ceremonies for each nation, and was able to choose my Grand Company. I went with the Immortal Flames because (from what I heard) the armor is more suited towards mages and I like the color blue.

My induction quest had me helping out a pair of downed airship pilots… who happened to be Biggs and Wedge. Even better, their airship’s name was the Tiny Bronco. XD

Anyhow, got that done, attended my induction, and finally started my chocobo quest. Sadly, I’m going to have to gather a bunch of seals to be able to get the chocobo, which is somewhat painful. I heard you can grind FATES for them, though. Any special kind?