FFXIV: Zeb and Tai's Castrum Win
Posted on April 27, 2014 by Aywren

Zeb and Tai beat Castrum Meridianum in FFXIV for the first time today! It was a terribly hectic and stressful speed run for us, and I didn’t learn any of the dungeon mechanics at all. I kept flubbing here or there because I had no idea what the heck was going on most the time and felt bad for it (nothing that got anyone killed or anything, but still… perfectionist kicking in). We got it done, but I’m in no rush to do it again (though I have to for Zuri).
I really miss my Bard when I’m playing Dragoon in a dungeon. Just don’t want to level Bard yet again on the alt (plus that doesn’t fit him as a character). But maybe a job change in the future for Tai. Dunno.
Mele DPS has a rough lot sometimes.