FFXIV: First Praetorium Win
Posted on April 28, 2014 by Aywren

Zeb and Tai beat the Praetorium tonight in FFXIV for the first time. We’ve officially finished the main story scenario!
The team we went with tonight was much improved over last night’s run of CM. Though they were still speed running, I didn’t get as frazzled, and the dungeon went very smoothly. I even was awarded a commendation! Maybe I’m not such a lousy Dragoon after all?

Anyhow, we were both pleased with the story and the ending. I felt they did a good job giving us a glimpse into what made the bad guys tick. I also felt that the scenes were significantly epic, and that though there’s some closure, there is also an open enough ending for the game’s story to continue (which it does). It is certifiably a Final Fantasy title as far as we’re concerned (and that says a lot).

Oh, and long credits are long.