FFXIV: New Free Company!
Posted on May 1, 2014 by Aywren

Lots of exciting things happened today in FFXIV!
Syn and I bid a farewell to our previous FC, and joined up with a newly-formed FC called <Guard>. While our previous FC was made up of a lot of great and skilled players, we were hoping to find a more casual and laid back group who didn’t mind learning and running older content.
We ran Stone Vigil with Eydis and Zak tonight – the first time I’ve run a dungeon that I didn’t need for personal story progression. Just for the fun and practice. And we got both!
Hopefully, it’ll be a good place to call our home. I’m looking forward to meeting new players or social players just wanting a laid-back place to hang out.
Hint: You can contact me if you’re interested in an invite! :)