Halloween 2014: FFXIV All Saints’ Wake
I adore Halloween — the spooky/kooky atmosphere. The fun, the costumes, the candy and the weird. I love participating in Halloween in various games that I play, as well. I decided this year I’d cover each of the events that I participate in.
Yesterday was the release of All Saint’s Wake in FFXIV. This year’s event actually builds on the “story” from last year’s event, which is summarized for you pretty quickly in the first minute of the quest.
I put story in quotes because I’m never quite sure how to categorize FFXIV’s events. Compared to some games, FFXIV events are usually short and sweet. You get your rewards quickly with minimal effort. The quests usually take you through a short storyline, which is rife with strange and unusual humor, and often has a bit of a twist ending.
FFXIV doesn’t take its events too seriously, and it’s something I’ve come to like about it. I don’t need to grind for hours to get cool stuff. I don’t need to attend a timed event. I just show up and follow the crazy antics and walk away with my new cosmetics or chocobo barding. I love when they reward barding! 🙂
This year, they gave both player cosmetics outfit and barding. The quests were easy to complete, and unlike last year, you could finish them even when it wasn’t night time in the city. A repeatable FATE takes place in Uldah, spawning at a fairly quick pace. I found this FATE to be annoying at first, but after turning off player names and a little bit of practice and luck, I was able to get enough cookies to earn my barding for both of my characters.
There’s a lot of excitement boiling around FFXIV lately, especially with patch 2.4 coming next week — NINJA! WOO! Lots of info was dropped at the fan fest, some of it awesome (new expansion), and some of it met with less enthusiasm (cash shop). I’m looking forward to ramping it up in Eorzea again, and totally ready to take on Ninja next week!