Steam Challenge: SpaceChem
Game: SpaceChem
Time Played: 30 mins
I’ve felt a little burned on MMOs lately, so with the Steam winter sale on the horizon, I decided it was time to try to get back into my Steam Personal Challenge. The random game picker chose SpaceChem, which was a game I got for free earlier this year from a PC Gamer promotion.

I’ll be up front in saying I kinda knew this game wasn’t going to be for me. It seemed a little too complex for my laid-back preferences, and once I got into the game, I was right. I spent 30 mins with the tutorial video, and trying to complete the first three puzzles. After failing the third one several times – don’t laugh – I gave up and wrote it off as a game that just didn’t mesh with me.
I’m not quite sure how to describe SpaceChem. It’s a puzzle game where you design a pathway for atoms to travel from the atom’s pick up point to a drop off point. It feels a lot like a factory conveyor belt. The game says you’re working in a reactor, putting together compounds for the SpaceChem company. I suppose eventually the challenge is meeting quotas and other things as well.
I’ll note that what I found complex and annoying may be someone else’s cup of tea. The game seems to know exactly what it’s trying to do, and tries to teach you by building on each previous scenario. I’m sure for the right kind of puzzle game player, this is a lot of fun. It has a lot of positive feedback, so it must appeal to some folks out there.
I can’t give a proper review for it, but I’ll just say I gave it a try, and found it not for me. I also want to say it does have an excellent soundtrack!