December 2014 Archives

Happy Holidays!
Posted on December 22
First and foremost: I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

FFXIV Heavensward Expansion: New Race and Classes Revealed!
Posted on December 20
Remember how in a previous post I noted that I was hesitant to pick up another subbed game because I’m waiting to see what FFXIV was going to reveal for the expansion. Yep. They blew me away with the newest info from the Fan Festival. Listen up devs because this is how an expansion is done. One new race. Three new classes (none which need base classes). Flying mounts introduced. Likely new lands and raids and such as well.

Sims 4 Announces Outdoor Retreat – The First “Game Pack”
Posted on December 20
I haven’t blogged much about Sims 4, but I’ve been overall pleased with the game and with the extra free content they’ve offered us since release. To start, the team has given us a number of things that the community felt were removed from the base game – ghosts, pools and some standard careers. They’ve also provided free holiday packs for Halloween and Christmas with outfits, items and clothing.

FFXIV: Ceremony of Eternal Bonding
Posted on December 20
My friends in FFXIV, Ellisia and Oziris Shaefer, invited me to their Ceremony of Eternal Bonding, which is the wedding event for the game.

Newcomer to WoW: Parting Ways with the Caravan
Posted on December 19
This is going to be my last WoW post for now. I’ve had to think long and hard about whether to continue at a full price subscription come the end of this month or not, and for reasons I’ll talk about later, I’ve decided I’m going to have to put the game on hold.

Review: SimCity BuildIt – Not the Mobile SimCity I Was Hoping For
Posted on December 16
I’ve been dreaming of a day when I could play a SimCity game on my tablet. Just think of how awesome it would be to have a full, city building experience on the go! So when I heard about the newly released SimCity BuildIt mobile app months ago, I have been silently waiting to see it launched and in action. I installed it on my iPhone 5S this morning and took it for a test run.

Starbound Releases Winter Update Trailer
Posted on December 15
It was about a year ago when I got into Starbound. It was the first mining/building/adventuring type game that I ever tried, and even with its early access status, I quickly found a lot to love about it. It’s probably my second-most played game in my Steam library – Steam hasn’t tracked all my play time for whatever reason – and I introduced it to several friends who also invested time and had quite a bit of fun with it.

WoW Screenshot of the Day: Motherhood in Azeroth
Posted on December 11
Meet Kelly Dumah, devoted mother and wife to Nathaniel Dumah. They live happily in Nathaniel’s family mill in the lovely, scenic Northridge (Western Plaguelands).

Newcomer to Wow: Pirates and Undead
Posted on December 10
I entered the Cape of Strangelthorn at the upper end of the level bracket (level 34 for a level 30-35 area), and I was starting to feel a little bit of a slow-down in leveling progress due to it. I was there for the experience, however, so I stuck by the zone to see the story through. It started a bit slow until quests finally directed me to the town of Booty Bay.

FFXIV Gives Some Luv to the Dragoons in Patch 2.45
Posted on December 9
While I’m mainly concentrating on getting my $5 worth out of WoW this month XD , I wanted to post about some changes to the Dragoon class in FFXIV that really got me excited.

Steam Challenge: Hoard
Posted on December 4
Hoard was a game that I picked up in a bundle, but as a dragon lover, I felt it would have potential to hook me. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the game, so I went into this knowing nothing but it was something about dragons and hoards.

Newcomer to WoW: Day 5
Posted on December 3
I’ve been a little slow in writing up this post because I’ve had a lot of other things vying for my time. While I did play pretty heavily over the weekend, reaching level 34, I haven’t had a lot of time for anything other than pet battles (thanks to the great new patches put out by 7D2D).

How’d You Fare During the Steam Exploration Sale 2014?
Posted on December 2
The exploration sale has come and gone at Steam. How’d you do this year?

Bloggy XMAS Day 2: Self Discovery and Personal Growth in FFXIV
Posted on December 2
This post is part of the Bloggy Christmas MMO & gaming and blogosphere event.