How’d You Fare During the Steam Exploration Sale 2014?
The exploration sale has come and gone at Steam. How’d you do this year?
I managed to snag four games that I’ve had on my wishlist, and have just been patiently waiting for a good, solid sale to pick up. I spent less than $20 for all of them, and I’m pretty pleased with the titles I picked up.

Wasn’t interested in Goat Simulator until they added the MMO bit on it. Now I want to try it!

The story for this game sounds very promising (how can I not play a game about a novelist?). It’s always just been a little too pricey for me to want to try it.

The art style and game system has appealed to me since I first saw this game. Just waited for a good sale to pick it up.

Another game where the art style really called to me. Got it at a great price, and am looking forward to trying this out.
How about you? Did you pick anything up, or are you waiting for the notorious Steam winter sale? I’m going to find it hard to buy much this winter since these titles were some of my most wanted. We’ll see if they can lure me with good prices on any of my other wishlist items!