FFXIV Progress: Triple Triad, Syrcus, Scholar, and Epic Hats
You know my biggest problem with FFXIV? That I have way too much to do! And that’s just on my main character (I now have two alts).
Nice problem to have!
I made a lot of progress this weekend in many different areas. So here’s a quick recap.
Triple Triad – The First 30 Accomplished!

I put chocobo racing on hold over the weekend in favor of taking on the challenge to get my first 30 Triple Triad (TT) cards. Doing this unlocks the ability to add an unlimited number of 2* cards in your deck, and is a worthy task to undertake.
While I know a number of folks in my FC were hitting up dungeons and primals for hopes of card drops, I was duking it out with card playing NPCs instead. This included juggling regional rules (there’s just some that are almost impossible to beat for me, still), NPCs who play on a specific timer, and learning the strategy for putting King Elmer in his place.
I spent many, many hours this weekend battled Elmer alone for Bahamut. But I finally got that card, and earned my 30th card last night! I was very pleased with myself considering how much trouble I had getting into the game. It was a challenge, one that was fun and too tempting to walk away from, and I think I’m a much better TT player now than I was before. Going head to head with NPCs who have much stronger decks, and still managing to squeak out wins, is an excellent way to hone skills, learn strats… and I looking back, I would have done it the same way again.
If you’re having a difficult time earning cards, don’t give up!
Oh, and the FFXIV Triad website is a real gem. They just added a checklist of cards and NPCs to help keep track of what you’ve already earned, as well as timers for NPCs who only play during certain times of the day.
A New Look for Zuri
Oh! And I earned enough MGP to buy the new ponytail hair style for Zuri.
I was really stoked about this, because it’s one of the few things I really want from the Saucer. The hairstyle makes her look a bit more mature, IMHO, and I did darken the colors just a bit to make them stand out better. Overall, it’s a change, but I like the way it looks. Not to mention, it imitates my own hair style IRL (lazy ponytail). 🙂
On To Syrcus Tower
The <Guard> Free Company keeps growing – we had a lot of new members join this past week – and we’re helping new end game members learn Crystal Tower for gearing up. Now that Syn and I have a good handle on the Labyrinth of the Ancients, we’ve moved to practicing Syrcus Tower, which is much more lucrative for our characters.
There, we earn not just the Tomes, but also a chance at Sands of Time or Oils of Time, which will upgrade our weathered ilvl 100 armor pieces to ilvl 110 pieces. I also discovered this makes the armor dyable! Woo!
While Zuri already has all of her ilvl 100 pieces (I did it the long, hard way through roulettes and hunts 🙁 ), I’m working on upgrading what she does have, and taking the tomes to purchase ilvl 100 pieces for… Scholar!
Unlocking Scholar

Zuri originally started out as a White Mage, long before the lure of the Bard called me to the DPS side. However, Syn’s character, Zeb, is now an end game White Mage, and she’s nudged me to consider taking up Scholar to compliment her.
I’m not totally against it – I have a curiosity for the Scholar class. However, as of last weekend, my Archanist was only level 21… so I have a long way to go before trying on that end game gear!
When I could pull myself away from chocobo racing and card games, I was leveling for Scholar in between. Mostly FATES, some leves and a handful of quests later, I did unlock Scholar on Zuri last night. She currently stands at level 31 (just one level lower than my White Mage… scary), and I’m gong to continue to make headway on her as best as I can.
Along side of that, I need to push my White Mage a few levels for Stoneskin, and get my Black Mage up to 27 (might as well unlock it) for Swift Cast. So I have a lot to do on this project!
Amon’s Epic Hat
I was so stoked when Amon’s Hat dropped last night in our Syrcus Tower run. I now feel like a bard in all my end game glory. I mean… just LOOK at this hat! 😀

I’ve been putting the main scenario quests on hold while doing all of the above, so I think I’m going to make an effort to get some of that done this week, too. I have yet to face Shiva and get caught up with the rest of the story. Seeing my gear is getting better (and more stylish), I think I’m in a good spot to progress again. So much to do this week!