#NBI2015Safari Epic Achievement: Steps of Faith Win
This screenshot is for the #NBI2015Safari, the theme is Epic Achievement.
Steps of Faith is the final trial at the end of the FFXIV 2.5 main scenario storyline. It is required that you complete this trial to see the end of the story and to eventually access the Heavensward expansion when it releases next month.
It took me three hours of repeated failure in the Duty Finder before I finally beat it on Zuri with the help of FC friends. I wrote about this awful experience last month.
However, finally winning this trial was one of the most epic moments for me. Looking at the chat box (names blurred for privacy), you can see a number of people were happy about the win.
The expression on Zuri’s face is so perfect because that’s exactly what I was doing at that moment. After HOURS of trying and failing, I finally could rest assured that I’d be able to progress into the expansion content.
Since then, Squeenix has nerfed Steps of Faith in order to encourage people not to constantly drop out of the trial, and to help people who are gated by the trial get past it for the expansion. It was never the case that the trial was hard. It just has mechanics that require coordination and communication. When you approach this with a random PUG, it’s hard to know what you’re going to get… more often than not, it results in failure.
I’m just so glad that I’m done with that… Thanks to the team who got me through!