FFXIV: Dragooning (Finally) on Cactuar
While I remain at a loss for what to level for Zuri (though I’m now leaning towards Monk thanks to a conversation with Curious Cat – thanks!), I’m 100% sure I’m leveling Yet Another Dragoon™ on Cactuar. This week, I’ve given high end content a bit of a break and pushed on through the final level of Lancer (thank you Halatali) and the 15 levels of Marauder I needed to unlock that last night. Finally!
The best part of hitting level 30 is unlocking my chocobo companion. I’d totally forgotten that I’d originally named him Spoony’bird back when I expected to be playing another Bard on this server. It’s cute, so I kept it.

Since I unlocked chocobo stables as well, I headed over to investigate the Greysky Armada’s FC house for the first time. It’s quite lovely – someone has good taste in decorating! I poked around the FC chest and saw they had fruit for recoloring my chocobo, but I didn’t want to take any without permission.
Luckily, I ran into Bel at the house – I think it’s the first time I’ve seen his character in person!

He said it was cool to color my chocobo, so I set out to obtain a nice snow white bird. Only, it didn’t quite turn out as I hoped (as you can see in the first picture above). The first try, it came out to a dull yellow bone white. Bleh.
So a few fruits later, I came back to a lotus pink chocobo. OH NONONONO!
I went for one last try, and ended up with an ice blue chocobo. Since my other chocobos are blue and green, I was hoping for something different this time. But seeing that I was using up fruits and just missing the mark every time, I decided to settle. Close enough to white, I guess.
Once I finished up all my Maurader levels, I happily kicked it with the introduction to Dragoon quest. Here, I went back in time to re-live meeting Estinien for the first time. He was a butthead back then, too. Said with all due affection.

Anyhow, unlocked Dragoon and learned my first Jump. Yay!

While I was around Dragonhead and revisiting old times, I decided to stop in and see Haurchefant. Even back before he knows anything about your character, he’s a welcoming guy. 🙂

Oh, Haurchefant, do not look at me so. A smile better suits a hero! <3

The fun part of replaying all this is that I get to pay more attention to certain characters in the storyline. I’m going to enjoy looking back on the Ishgard folks knowing what I know now.