Bummed Gamer ~ Blaugust Day 20
This is part of the Blaugust series!
Note: If you don’t need to hear about someone being bummed by first world problems today, please don’t read. This warning has been a message to promote an overall happier Internet.
A number of folks have written about their gaming regrets. Today I’m struggling with gaming disappointment.
I don’t like to write about negative situations. To me, blogging is about encouraging, inspiring and finding good things to say about the world, gaming and other people. But as an extremely emotional person, even I can’t be 100% sunshine all the time. Today is one of those days where I’m just too bummed to pretend to be otherwise.
I’ll keep things very vague cuz I’m not much into posting real life stuff, even on my microblog. However, I’m a believer that writing is a therapy, and I need some of that release right now.
To start, things at work have taken an unexpected turn. This will lead (and already is leading) to an avalanche of responsibility invading my more or less peaceful and fairly low-stress work situation. These things happen in the adult world, I know. I love my job and the place I work for, but I don’t always adjust to unexpected twists easily. I know I’ll be fine in the long run, but I have concerns which are causing some stress that didn’t exist just a few days ago.
I was hoping to turn to gaming for a bit of fun and to shake off the work concerns. However, a differing in gaming philosophies between myself and folks I usually enjoy gaming with semi-regularly shattered those hopes.
Struggles with Disappointment
I know myself well enough to know that one emotion I don’t deal with well is disappointment. I’m not sure if “disappointment” is even the right word to describe the emotion, though.
I’m a creative person, and I tend to get really excited and inspired by things (including games). When I get passionate and inspired, it’s a great feeling, and I go out of my way to share that feeling with people I play with or just folks who read my blog.
There’s a lot to be inspired about in the gaming world now days. It’s easy to get hyped, and honestly, getting hyped is fun. I find myself pouring over Reddit and forums and wikis just to know more, and counting the hours till I can come home and try new and fun things.
I love to explore and I love games that allow me to build, because building something is a way of giving the people I play with a bit of myself and my creativity. It’s kinda an artsy thing, like drawing something for someone, or writing something for someone. And sometimes I feel quite proud of the neat things these games allow me to build for other people.
So, when my sharing is met with the opposite reaction, it feels kinda like:

The problem with letting myself feel so excited is that when something busts that emotion, the feeling of disappointment following is twice as intense. Then, it’s hard not to look at something that had previously been so much fun and so exciting with anything but a soured and crestfallen feeling.
So, yesterday what I was excited to go home and do, today I’m just bummed out about and have no motivation to do at all.
Bummed Out Writing Prompt
Because I may as well make something constructive of this post.
Am I alone in feeling bummed about being excited for something that falls through? Do you have any bummed out gaming stories? If so, how did you deal with disappointment?
If you made it down this far, thanks for listening to me vent. You win Internet points.